Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Niall readjusts the papers on the table for the fifth time. The small room is tucked away in the corner of the library with only a small table, two chairs, and an agitated Niall. He glances at the clock again, mutters to himself, and taps his fingers rhythmically along the table.

He should have known that Zayn wouldn't show up on time or maybe not even at all. No matter that Niall took the time to come early, organise the course material, and gather his composure. He feels foolish that he's worked himself all up.

"Smoking." Niall mutters to himself. "Stupid leather jacket, probably out smoking in the courtyard..."

Niall decides he's waited long enough and angrily grabs the pencils he's neatly placed on the table and shoves them into his bag. "Or...or stealing sweets from babies..."

He snatches the papers as well, only cringing a little bit as they crinkle when he crams them into his bag. "Probably doesn't even know where the library is."

Niall stuffs the rest of his supplies in his bag and slings the bag across his back. He pushes his chair back under the table and turns to exit the room.

"Easy their sweetheart." A rough voice says from in front of him.

Niall very nearly runs right into Zayn. He's blocking the door way, stretched out so their is no easy way for Niall to get out.

"Where you going?" he asks with a smirk on his lips that Niall's sure doesn't grace Zayn's face often.

Niall's a little taken aback as he stands in the room with Zayn stood in the only exit. However he has enough pent up anger from waiting for Zayn for twenty minutes that he finds himself fighting to hold his composure.

"I'm leaving." Niall states, not sounding quite as angry as he was hoping for. "You were suppose to be here at half three!"

Niall takes a step towards the exit but stops when Zayn doesn't move. He takes a deep breath, glances quickly up at Zayn, and calmly says, "please move."

Nialls stood close enough to Zayn now that out of the corner of his eye he can easily see the confident smirk that's playing on Zayn's lips. This infuriates the Irishman even more but when he moves to duck underneath Zayn's arm he finds a firm hand on his chest.

"Look," Zayn says, applying only enough pressure to keep Niall from leaving. "I'm here now. So how about we start. What do you say?"

Niall isn't quite sure if that's a question or a statement but

Zayn's hand guides him back towards the table. Niall would like to tell Zayn to "piss off" but, honestly, that's a punch he's not willing to take.

Niall swings his bag back off and places his bum back in the chair. He pulls out his supplies again, unhappy that everything now is so disorganised.

He notices that there isn't a lot of movement happening to his left and looks up to see Zayn sitting empty handed.

"Don't you have...any, um, papers or pencils?" Niall ask.

"Ahh," Zayn sighs, as if he's only just remembered, " I knew I was forgetting something."

Nialls not sure how much belief he wants to put in that statement because the easy smirk on Zayns face tells another story.

"Well...I guess, we could share." Niall offers and want to bury his head as he feels a familiar heat crawl up his neck. He pushes his papers towards the centre until they rest between both him and Zayn.

Zayn can barely keep a grin from breaking across his face as he watches the young lad become flustered. He waits for the red faced boy to begin his lesson and then noisily scoots his chair closer to him.

"Couldn't see very well." He explains and watches with enjoyment as Niall try's to continue the lesson despite the fact the their arms are now casually brushing against each other.

Niall can feel Zayns breathe hitting his arm as he works out a equation on the paper before them. Between that and the fact that Niall can feel Zayn's eyes on him more often then the paper it's no surprise that Niall is struggling in his explanations.


When they near the end of the coursework Zayn suddenly leans across Niall, so that his chin is almost brushing the blondes fringe.

His hands brush over the pale fingers of the boy and reach for the mobile that is setting on the table. He snatches it and only hears a minor protest in return.

"Oi!" Niall softly exclaims, "what are you doing?" He looks like he wants to reach and take the mobile but his hands just linger in the air before he sets them back in the table.

Zayn grins at the boy but only swipes a hand across the screen to unlock the device. "I thought it might be useful if I had your number." Suddenly Niall hears a vibration coming from Zayn's jacket and realises that's he's called himself. "And also if you had mine."

Niall looks a little put off but doesn't yet make a grab for the phone. Just aims for a dissatisfied look of annoyance which comes across as more of a pout. "Well you could've just asked." He huffs indignantly.

Zayn's having a hard time not laughing at the younger lads face. He holds the phone out for the Irishman. "I'm not really the kind of lad who ask for the things I want." Niall grabs at the phone but Zayn pulls it back. "I just take them."

Niall can feel a lump grow in his throat that he tries to swallow away. This time when he grabs for the phone Zayn let's him have it.

"Maybe that's the kind of thinking that gets you in so much trouble." Niall mutters under his breath. The tension and frustration from the session has finally boiled over. Niall tenses a bit in his chair, sure that he's about to receive a bludgeoning.

Zayn lifts himself from his chair, using both hands to press on the table, so he's almost leant over Niall. The blonde boys shuffles his shoulder in, making himself appear even smaller. He can feel the heat from Zayns torso radiating from his body.

Zayn patiently waits above Niall. Waiting for Niall's round blue eyes to meet his. It takes a minute for Niall to get the courage and when he meets Zayn's eyes they appear more sinister than he remembers. The brown appearing more dark and all hint of amusement drained from his face.

"M'sorry." Niall mutters awkwardly.

Zayns resolve fades quickly because he can see the blonde boy shutter. He lays a hand on his shoulder in what he hopes is a comforting gesture. He can't really blame the boy for thinking that way, he supposes he's the one who set himself up for it.

Zayn moves from his perch aside Niall and walks towards the exit. He is half way out the entryway before he turns back to glance over his shoulder at Niall. The same easy smirk is stretched across his lips again as he ask, "Do you believe everything you hear?"

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