Week 1

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This is a part two of protective Gabriel for Nathalie-is-my-fave hope you enjoy it....

It has been 5 weeks since the incident with the supplier and let's just say things haven't been the same since......

The first week.....

Mr. agreste- Nathalie was cut off by Gabriel putting a finger over her lips to silence her. Just call me Gabriel or gabe if you so desire...just no more mr. agreste and CERTAINLY no more sir..... it hurts to hear you say it as if I'm just a boss and nothing more to you.... Gabriel whispered the last part so only he could hear but Nathalie could tell something was off about him. S- I mean Gabriel is everything alright. Yes I'm fine. Gabriel said lifting Nathalie's chin up to meet his eyes. You have the prettiest eyes my dear. Gabriel said as he cupped Nathalie cheek Nathalie knew it was wrong yet couldn't pull away from his touch all she wanted to do was let him love her let him tell her how beautiful she was she just wanted his love and so did Gabriel he just wanted all her love for her to forever be his and no one else's to wake up to her beautiful mysterious ocean blue eyes....

For he no longer....

Desired for eyes.....

That shined like emeralds....

And for hair that.....

Glowed like the sun.....

For he wanted eyes that....

We're mysterious and a....

Beautiful Ocean blue .....

And hair.....

Of a navy blue.....

And red streaking through the middle.....

Hair that smelt like fresh raspberries......

He wanted.......


End of week 1....

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