May 4th

3 0 0


it's been awhile

like a really long while

I dont really talk like I did back when I made this but I miss those times so it's back for now at least

the same fan that started it all is in the hallway and it's still being loud and annoying

I wanna bark at the fan but its 12:09 AM TwT

if anyone I know, online or irl, finds this imma cry- .w.

I hate autocorrect so much but I need it so my typing is eligible or else it looks like this: rhis is whatt my typing loosk wlike wohtlut autocroect

it's been months and it still hasn't improved

i feel so evolved from when i made this but at the same time i feel so different and not in a good way ;-;

do I need bug spray just to sit in my own house- TwT

there are a bunch of mosquitoes in here but at least it's less than there are outside

oml i want school to end- TwT

i have until june 4 and thats a half day

last summer was awesome dude i made a bunch of friends and was generally just happier than i usually would be

we dont do sappy on this tv show

why do i have ppap stuck in my head- T^T

im blaming it on the fan but at least this time the fan isnt preventing me from sleeping

this time i just dont want to sleep

i kinda wanna make a new cover for this but im not gonna cos 1. i dont have enough storage and 2. it's for the nostalgia

idk wot to think about TwT

autofill time

I have a lot of albert's friends and I have a lot better than you but I don't think I can do anything anymore without thinking about it and it was a song tommy said that I was gonna say ill be back in the morning get a coke and get someo-t and then we take a break from the cold winter air conditioning system that is not brady

you know what im just gonna stop here before i dox someone- .w.

corona has honestly just made life easier for me

i can socialize less and ive made more online friends :>

I never talk like this but for the sake of this book and my sanity I am

I take back what I said about wanting school to be over these bugs are so annoying I'd rather be in school for another week- qwq

its 12:25 am and i really want to turn off my phone cos bugs are attracted to light but that means sleep- T^T

this is a lose lose situation- .-.

i have I'm in love with an egirl stuck in my head but I only know the first verse and chorus- TwT

idek if these are mosquitoes or gnats anymore-

honestly idc wot they are as long as they get out of my face ;-;

its 12:30. it's not that late cloudy. control yourself. ignore the bugs. just stay awake.

i can hear the rain from in here- .w.

i cant tell if its rain or hail but it's really loud- TvT

yk what i give up im sleeping im not gonna listen to an electric fan and some rain

gn yall TwT

(its 12:34 AM)

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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