July 4th 1/2

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Happy 4th of july I guess- xD

Excuse my good grammar I'm using my phone rn and I have auto correct on so my writing doesn't end up looking like this: hello people tesay we are gonna do siw in a hoem fin right?

I have rEaLly bad typing skills owo

aNywAyS I was screwing around with le new update on royale high but I got bored and decided to start writing- btw it's currently 1:23 AM :3

also do yall like the new cover for the book- I tried to combine things I talked about in the first chapter u-u

this is the part of the story where I have a stroke and you get to come along :D

Pfft- Aizawa-Chan- JSJSDASDPK-

dElIvErY dEbBy tHe bEsT pIzZa yOuLl fInd. cAlL dElIvErY dEbBy wErE oNe oF a KiNd. oRdEr tOdAy!

do you ever just get so lonely that you pretend mineta is stalking you and is outside your window

Having a stroke is boring-

Let's do something eXcItInG

The name game OwO

judy judy boe boody banana fanna foe foody

tucker tucker boe bucker banana fanna foe f- NAH HUNNY- NO SWEARING ON MY CHRISTIAN MINECRAFT SERVER-

olivia olivia boe bolivia banana fanna foe folivia

cloudy cloudy boe bloudy banana fanna foe floudy

aight I'm honestly aching rn- today was a pretty long day for me and tmrw will be even longer so imma sleep soon- but for now I'll give yall a recap of my day :P

so I got up at 11:30 and played roblox for awhile. at about 1:00 my moms friend came over and she cut my kyoko wig for me and gave me tips on how to keep it from being so tangled. and a lot of other stuff happened but I'm getting tired so imma sleep-

bai ppl :P

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