Chapter 1 -Showing Shawn Around

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I walk in and run into mr.senson ,the school principal , "Hanna just who I was looking for , we have a new student and it's your turn to show him around ." i was surprised that we were getting a student this early in the year school only started a month ago . Anyways Mr.senson handed me his schedule and I saw that we had all our classes together . Literally all our classes , like all seven . I really hope this kid isn't some rude or annoying kid because it looks like I'm going to be spending a lot of time with him . any ways mr.senson said goodbye and told me that Shawn was in the office and I could have mrs.larson write us a pass for first period . I walked into the office the first bell ringing and seeing Jackson a jock at our school walk past he smiled at me and I waved , Jackson is alright like he can be nice and he's pretty attractive , but he can be such a jerk sometimes and I'm so not into that . I walk in a say hello to mrs.larson and tell her about the passes and turn around to see a boy sitting in a chair , he looks oddly familiar but I can't remember where or if I know him . he has brown hair and brown eyes to match with light skin and a cute smile he's wearing a flannel and khakis with black vans , which was the opposite of my outfit I was in denim shorts and a pink and blue flannel with the sleeve rolled and white vans . I smiled and introduced myself to him , "Hi I'm Hanna , and I'll show you around the school for the next few days until you get to know where your going ,but we also have all the same classes so I'll actually be seeing you for the rest of the year ." i kinda laugh at myself , he just smiles and nods his head and then introduced him self to me , "I'm Shawn" he seemed pretty sweet like he wasn't a jerk , he had muscles that I could see in his arms but he didn't look like a jock . As I was analyzing this new boy I realized he was actually pretty cute mrs. Larson handed me our pass and we headed off to his locker which was a few down from mine . I asked him what he like to do and he told me that he liked music a lot . I told him I like music a lot too , but I couldn't sing to save my life . He laughed at me , but then I told him that I really like sports and I played volleyball , and told him about the game tonight and how it was against our rivals . he asked if he could go , which I found really funny . "of course" "okay I'll come , not like I have anything better to do ." Shawn told me . then I asked him " Why'd you come to school so early in the year , like why didn't you just come at the beginning ?" Shawn froze for a second , and I pretended not to notice. " I just was doing something this summer and then Changed schools from last year so didn't have time to start at the beginning . " I still thought this was weird but just went with it . Shawn's eyes looked to my wrist , he smiled and told me he liked my bracelet , it was a lokai bracelet , I realized he was wearing one too . I told him I didn't like his and we both started laughing . we'd gotten every thing we needed and started to first period . Mr. Ike introduced Shawn to the class then put him next to me what a coincidence i thought . mr. Ike assigned us a project on the book to kill a mockingbird , which was one of our summer reading books he called me and Shawn up to his desk and asked if I could help Shawn because he hadn't read it . I said sure and Shawn and I went back to our desk , " Um ... well I have a game tonight but we could work on it after , if it works for you ." I said kinda shyly . I had volleyball every day it was really intense at our school but I still managed to maintain school I actually was a really good student and got really good grades and was proud of it . " Shawn told me that tonight worked and we could do it Wednesday and Friday ." " Do you wanna do it at my house ?" Shawn asked me "sure that works with me ." i told Shawn . " Uh could I like get your number to like text you my address ? " he asked really sheepishly I tried to keep from laughing at his akword ness and gave him my number . the rest of the day went kinda like this we went to our classes I showed him around the school introduced him to my friends at lunch I introduced him to the "popular" guys who I hang out with and sent him to go sit with them . then I went to go eat with my friend . they were all talking about how hot Shawn was . when I told him how he was coming to my game and we had to work on a project so we're hanging they all were telling me how lucky I was . Stacy told me how Jackson was have a really big party Friday and asked if we'd go with her . I told her how I was doing that project with Shawn Friday . "perfect , bring him along !" she told me . I agree I mean I liked dancing and the music and games and seeing my friends but I wasn't into drinking and Jackson always tried hooking up with me at his party's but I turned him down every time because I was into him plus he was always drunk off his ass . lunch ended and I found Shawn and showed him to fifth period . seventh period was now ending and I couldn't wait for our game . I got to leave class fifteen minutes on game day but today I left thirty minutes early so I could go with Shawn to his locker . I told him the guys he sat with at lunch were going to the game and he could sit with them he nodded and I ran off towards the locker room I got ready and was super pumped . the game had started and I saw Shawn he smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up , god he's such a goff I thought to myself . "jacksons looking at your butt !" lacy told me then smacked my ass . the game started and we won the first set . I was doing really good today and was on my A game witch I thanked God for later it was the second set and game point . if we won this we wouldn't have to go to a third game it was my turn to serve . I did my jump server I was so nervous it made it over and it was and ace ! every one started yelling including me . I was so happy we won . I went and got changed , now it was time to go to Shawns .

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