Chapter 4- lightning bugs

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"Look " Shawn said as a whisper . I saw fire flies lighting up the beautiful New York sky .

I hadn't always lived in New York , I used to like in Seattle , there weren't lightning bugs there so now every time I see them they take my breath away "they are beautiful ."I saw in awe . I see the bugs are illuminating a beautiful lake , it was vast and It was fitted to the horizon with the clouds thick in the sky .

"wow" I breathed out "how have I never seen this lake or heard about it ?" I asked Shawn in absolute awe , I love the water I loved to look at it I loved to be in it I love to listen to it . and this place was like something out of a dream.

"It's kinda my secret place ." Shawn tells me I still have no idea how no one has run into this place but right now I wanted to be no where but here with lightning bugs lighting up the New York hazed sky with a cute shy boy .

As the night went on Shawn and I talked , the thing about him was that he was so easy to talk to like he was such a great listener and kept the conversation going and we talked about every thing . we talked about how excited we were for the Ed show in exactly one week . We talked about how we both like sports and going to the gym but absolutely hated running but still went on runs .

It felt like we'd only been talking for a few minutes but when I looked down at my phone I realized that it was almost three in the morning and my dad was going to kill me . "Shawn , I wish I could stay here all night , but I have a twelve o'clock curfew and I think I kinda passed that and my dad will kill me so do you mind giving me a ride home ?"
"No problem." he says casually

We walk back to his car and leave the radio off on the way home it's just silence and it's not awkward it's just ... nice . when we pull up to my house I tell Shawn " tonight was amazing ,thanks for getting me
Out of that lame party." "Do you want to go swimming tomorrow at one ?" Shawn asked me kinda rushed and color comes to his checks "yeah , yeah that would be fun ." with that I get out of his car and wave good bye . I'm just hoping I'll be aloud to go , because I see a light on in our kitchen and kinda know I'm going to be in trouble But right now I don't care , I feel like I'm
Floating and so giddy and I feel so silly that I laugh at myself.

As I enter the door I see an angry dad sitting at the kitchen table shit I think to myself "where have you been ?" he asked me already angry "dad , I'm sorry " I start out but he cuts me off "you were supposed to be home three hours ago !" "dad I know I was at the party I told you about and then I went to a lake with one of my friends and we just lost track of time , I'm sorry ." I'm not really sorry I just know that's what he wants to hear "grades went home today , where is that ?" normally I think this is like hearing that you can show your parents your grades or you can smash a cup on the ground and start walking on it and every one would choose the second choice, but luckily I had gotten all A's and actually I got three A pluses because I worked really hard this grading period .

When my dad see's my grades he seems pleased "well good job , I'm going to bed ." my dad tells me "one more thing dad ." I say quickly "what?" he asks sounding like he could care less which he probably could "can I go swimming tomorrow with a friend ?" "sure" he says which surprised me with how easy it was .

Tomorrow couldn't come soon I thought to myself as I drifted off still giddy from my late night fun .


Authors Note
Hey guys sorry long time
No updates and this chapter was short but I promise I will update soon and it will be longer . How are you guys enjoying the story so far ? Please tell and what do you think Shawn and Hanna's ship name
Should be ? tell me please ! see you soon

Shawn Mendes goes to my school ?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن