01: I wonder what...

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"Hermione?!" You ask leaning against the door she ran in after getting emotional at a dinner with the Weasleys.

It's been a week since the war, it's been a relief, but has left trauma in everyone, especially Hermione. She lost her sister in the battle, and to really taken an effect on her. you give her all the support she needs—as does everyone else.

She's been holding in a lot of emotion, you know know her, you know when somethings wrong. I don't think she wants to admit to herself that her sister is really gone. I think this is her realization..it's her breaking point.

You hear faint crying through the door and try to open it. "Hermione? I know you probably want to be alone so I won't bother you if you do..but i'm here princess..I always will be" you say as she open the door and falls in your arms as hold her and rub her back.

"It's okay let it out." You say as she cries a little harder. You pick her up with her legs around your waist and go to the room your staying in, you close the door and lay down with her on top of you. After a bit she settles down.

"I'm sorry. Thank you" she says as she kisses your check. "Of course" you say and you both fall asleep.

The next morning you wake up to see Hermione is not there. You go to the bathroom and she comes out of it, "Morning darling" she greets "Morning" you say. After your done in the bathroom you go to the room and see Herm in the window seat.

"What are we going to do today?" She asks as you sit down on her lap "I wonder what.." you say as you kiss her neck. You knew exactly what you were going to do..


First one shot, yay! I really hope you liked it! And I'll try to update as much as I can.

I know it wasn't much but I thought it was cute. (Hermione being sad wasn't)

Anyway, I hope you enjoy these!

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