Long night

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(Hey everyone! Thank you so so much for all the reads! I really appreciate it:3
I've been having writers block for a while and I've got ideas now that I didn't have before. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!)


I walk to potions hoping that I won't get detention for sneezing again. I'm debating if I should go in, or walk away. Just when im about to walk away I see Hermione walk in. Maybe it won't be that bad? I think as I walk into the classroom.

"You're late" I hear Snape say, I look at the clock and back at him "Just by 2 seconds since the clock just changed." I say and walk down to the only empty table left, witch Hermione is at. This isn't to bad after all..

I've liked Hermione since second year, it's now 6th year. And I still haven't told her nor anyone, that I like her.

Not even my closet friends, witch are Harry and Ron, and Hermione. Well, I can't tell Ron because that would hurt him since he likes Hermione, and if I told Harry, he'd probably tell Ron and Ron would be mad at me and I don't want that. I can't tell Hermione cause, well, she's straight and she definitely doesn't like me back, so there's no point.

Plus I've been in the closet since second year when I realized I liked Hermione. I really really like this girl. Maybe I even...love her? No it can't be, but...maybe I am...

I feel someone tap on my shoulder, and that someone is Hermione. "The bell rang. Are you alright?.." she asks "Oh yeah, heh, sorry I zoned out." I say awkwardly, "Oh, alright. Uh well me, Ron, and Harry are meeting in the courtyard. You're coming right?" She asks "Oh yeah sure I will!" I say with a smile.

Me and Hermione then walk out and go to the courtyard.

It's been a few hours and we're all just in the common room talking. Well more Harry and Hermione talking, Ron's eating candy, and in reading a book, and once again, thinking to much as always.

I snap out of my thoughts when I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Uh, Y/n, I need to tell you something that's been on my mind for a while." Hermione says.

I look around and notice we're alone. "Sure go ahead.." I say keeping my finger at the spot I was at in my book. "I like you. I like you a lot, maybe even love you...I have since second year. But if you don't feel the same that's okay too-" I cut her off by kissing her.

Wait are we snogging? We are!

(*Smut warning*)

Her hands my her way down to my blouse unbuttoning it and taking it off, throwing it who knows where.

I pull her onto me more so she's on my lap, and my hands make my way down to the zipper of her jumper.

I unzip it and take it off her shoulders, I'm about to take her tank top she has on off when I hear a noise and pull away.

I hear someone coming down the boys stairs and we both get in our shirts again right away.

Hermione was able to zip hers up, but since mine had buttons, I couldn't..

I grab a blanket to make it look like I was relaxing, while Hermione grabs her books and pretends to read it.

We see Harry emerge from the stairs and he chuckles. "What?" We both ask at the same time, "Nothing" he says and grabs his robe that he left down here.

We look at each other confused while Harry just giggled. "What!?" We both ask, he points to the end of the couch.

We look to see a bra. More like Hermione's..
Maybe I did take it off..

"Oh.." we both say. He shakes his head giggling and heads up stairs. I look at Hermione and we laugh, "Well..Do you want to go to bed?" I ask

"I'm not vary tired" Hermione says, "Well I know something we can do.." I say getting up and taking Hermione's hand.

We both walk up and I lock our dorm door. Since no ones in there we have it all to ourselves. "This is gonna be a long night.." I say..


Sorry this was so short:( I'll try to write longer chapters! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and please let me know what you want to see in this story, or what you'd like to see!

See you in the next chapter!:3

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