Pretty as Petty

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-———Courtney Malfoy—————

  Courtney sat at the window, It was now Winter, I a lot had passed. She was waiting for her brother to finish up in the bathroom so that they could go to and get on the train back home. Courtney sat and thought about what was happening in her life.

-She befriended Luna after some Slytherins commented on her light hair and Draco was pissed about it so Courtney pulled him along and got him a smart Ravenclaw friend

-She made Hagrid a big fuckin page off how to take care of Hippogriffs, Unicorns, Dragons, and Dogs...3 headed in particular (He cried)

-She taught Draco how to climb trees

-She also taught Draco how to not disrespect a Hippogriff

-She also got a howler from her Mother laughing in hysteria about her letters to her father to not answer Dracos  "Father here about this" letters

-She taught the Gryffindors to not hate the Slytherins

-She helped Hermione with her elf campaign

-She taught Dumbledore how to FUCKING GET OVER GRINDELWALD (She had to attend therapy after this)

-She taught the Hufflepuffs how to NOT punch a Gryffindor when the say something bad about Slytherins (She had to bring in Tonks for this one)

-Made more self-hatred jokes

-Lastly she places like......100 bets with the elves on which year RON WILL FINA-FUCKING-LLY TELL HERMIONE THAT HE WANTS TO HAVE CHILDREN WITH HER

Soon enough she walked to the bathroom knocking on the door several times before Draco finally answered "Just a minute dumbass".

Courtney sat outside waiting for her stupid brother to finish in the bathroom once more she knocked on the door "Come on I am going to push this door down" Courtney spoke into the door, finally Draco opened the door.

"Ok Ok i'm coming, To be honest I just didn't want to see your ugly face" Draco said, Courtney gasped looking at her brother in utter hatred "I got mom's looks ugly ferret"
Draco responded with a outbrust of laughter.

That Was Simply The Malfoys

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