Chapter One

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I am slowly walking to my last class of the day, which is study hall. I notice a lot of others are walking at a similar pace. We all look like little zombies. I turn a corner and the sight in front of me disgusts me and breaks my heart at the same time. My best friend and boyfriend are making out without a care in the world. Now normally I would be like fuck it, I'm gonna cut a bitch, but right now it hurts way too much. My eyes burn with unshed tears as I approach them.

"So neither of y'all actually care?" I ask, after getting close to them.

"Shit, Teyana, you weren't supposed to ever find out," Ziere says.

What the fuck kind of response is that? Fuck being broken-hearted, I'm pissed off now. I really want to punch him dead in the chest but I don't want to be put out of school. Instead I turn and ask Delaney if she has anything she would like to add. She shakes her head no. Just like I expected her to.

"I'm not even going to waste my time going off on either y'all. Neither of you had the balls to let me know what was truly up, so I hope both of y'all have a happy life." With that last comment, I toss up deuces and walk back the way I came. Looks like I'm blowing off the rest of study hall.

I pull out my phone and text my good friend Zander. I let him know what happened and see if he wants to hang out. He immediately replies that he just got of class and to meet him at his apartment. I smile and head towards my locker. I put away my stuff, grab my jacket and walk out a side door to the parking lot. As I walk towards my car, someone grabs my arm from behind. I turn around and see Ziere standing behind me.

"What in the hell?" I scream. Does this dude have a serious death wish?

"Look Tey, I want to explain about earlier. What I said was uncalled for and you didn't deserve any of that." He says in one breath.

I look him dead in the eye and say "Fuck you Ziere," and walk away. I don't want his stupid apology he shouldn't have cheated anyway. I was nothing but faithful to him. And Delaney, I have nothing to say to her either. I'm pretty sure if I see her, I'm most likely going to snap on her, it's not like she doesn't deserve it. When her mom kicked her out last year, my dad let her come and live with us. We only had three bedrooms, mine, his and my older brother Richard's. She stayed in Richard's until her mom let her come home and even then it took a lot of convincing on my dad's end.

I walk over to my car and get in. I start it up and look over towards Ziere, roll my eyes and pull out of the parking lot. I feel so stupid right now. I thought he and I were perfect. We rarely had arguements, we maybe disagreed here and there but never anything really big. He was my everything. By the time, I'm pulling into Zander's apartment complex, tears are streaming down my face. I park next to Zander's car and wipe my face off. I sincerely doubt anyone wants to see my tear stained face.

I slowly drag out of the car, sigh and sluggishly walk to Zander's. I just feel so drained right now. I knock on the door and hear a thud from the other side. My face twists in concern as Zander answers the door out of breath.

"Hey, uh Teya," He says out of breath.

I raise my eyebrow at him and push past him. I walk in and go straight to his bedroom. I think this might be my favourite part of his whole apartment, especially since I had a hand or two in decorating it. It's pretty simple, grey walls, a king sized all black sleigh bed, with a grey and red comforter set. The accents on the wall are red. Everything is else is pretty much just more dark furniture. I kick off my shoes, crawl into the bed, grab a pillow and lay there. Zander walks in, shakes his head and joins me in bed. He pulls me close and doesn't say anything. Instantly the tears return. The only sound in the room, is me sniffling and slightly choking on air.

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