Ch1: Larva Meet Human Pt 1

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It was a beautiful day on Themyscira.

Little Diana was with her mom Hippolyta.

"Mother, when will I be able to go outside of this place and make friends?" Little Diana asked, while they were horseback riding.

"When you are able to defend for yourself, Diana. Always have someone by your side who'll be there to support you no matter what." Hippolyta said, in an explanation.

"Like you, Mother...?" Little Diana asked, with a hopeful smile on her face.

Just as Hippolyta was about to say something, Antiope was riding alongside them.

"My Queen, you must stop." Antiope said, finally catching up to them.

Hippolyta then stopped her and Little Diana's horses.

"Antiope, what's wrong?" Hippolyta asked as she was now keeping her horse still.

Little Diana was also keeping her horse still.

"One of Gigamoth's eggs have hatched." Antiope said, informing them.

*A new friend for Diana...* Hippolyta said to herself.

Little Diana looked at her with curious eyes.

"Where are we going, Mother?" Little Diana asked, her heart racing with anticipation.

Hippolyta smiled at her.

"You'll see, Diana. You'll see..."


A few minutes later, they arrived at the temple.

The three of them parked their horses, got off and began to walk towards the temple.

When they got there, they saw two Amazonian guards guarding the doors.

"State your purpose with Queen Gigamoth." One of them said, with a stern and strict voice.

Hippolyta and Antiope looked at each other before Little Diana walked up to the two guards.

"Diana, no!!!" Hippolyta said, concerned that something bad was going to happen to Diana if she got any closer.

"Diana, come back here this instant!" Antiope said, in a strict voice.

Little Diana looked at the guards.

"Hi there. We're to see her. Her egg hatched and there might be a new friend waiting for me." She said, informing the guards and looking back at her mom and Antiope.

One of the guards then opened the door while the other one stood aside.

Hippolyta and Antiope were surprised.

"I might have underestimated you, Diana." Hippolyta said, before they went inside.

Little Diana looked at her, confused.

"What do you mean, Mother?" She asked, with a curious but yet, intrigued voice.

Just before Hippolyta could say something, Antiope was pushing them from behind.

"Come on! Time's a-wastin'!" She said, pushing Little Diana and Hippolyta into the temple of Gigamoth.

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