Chapter I , Torghast

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Torghast, the place of enturnal torment located within the Maw. A place no soul wishes to be, the souls that have sinned too many times or caused terror and conflict in the eyes of the leaders of the four continents of the Shadowlands. Ardenwield, Bastion, Maldraxus and Revendreth to be sent to one of the four continents is  a dream come true, a peaceful afterlife, once sent here you go through trials to become one of your covenant. But to be sent to the Maw? Now that is a curse forever set in stone, no amount of attempting to benevolent acts may stop the torment, your are there for your whole afterlife. Twisted and turned until turned malevolent, inflicting the torture that you had to endure, or your torment will be ended once your soul has been binded to the armor that the Jailor's endless forces use to empower them.
Due to the Arbitor falling into a state of unconsciousness all souls, good or evil are funneled into the Jailor Domain. Unable to be saved until the reawakening of the Arbitor which could be a millennia away... Good luck within your journey.

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