Chapter 7

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I woke up feeling amazing and very satisfied.
I smiled sleepily and rolled over in my bed, meeting the hard body of my lover and opened my eyes lazily.
Then I screamed and fell on the ground.
"What the hell?" Drake groaned and my face was pale as I sat on the floor, completely naked.
I used telekinesis to move my robe over to me, but not in time for him to miss my body and shocked expression.
"This isn't good" Drake stated as our memories came back.
No, it's not. But, then why do I feel as if this wasn't my most regrettable decision?
I was walking into the manor, intending to borrow the original Book of Shadows to track down Drake's uncle.
It's been a week since we slept together and me and Drake were already arguing like an old married couple when we weren't going out of our way to touch each other.
After we slept together, we both admitted that it was possible the best sex either of us have had in a long time and if it happens again, it's not the end of the world.
I'm sex buddies with a warlock. My family's gonna kill me.
I walked into the house as Chris read off a spell.
"For those who want the truth revealed, open hearts and secrets unsealed. From now until it's now again, after which the memory ends. For those who are in this house, will hear the truth from others mouths" he read and something changed in the air.
"What are you doing?" I asked, causing Chris to jump.
"I wanna ask Bianca to marry me, but I'm afraid she'll say no" he said and my jaw dropped.
"So you cast the truth spell?! Hello?! Personal gain much?!" I yelled and he sighed.
"It's fine and only us will remember everything" he said and I groaned, tilting my head back.
"What's that? When did you get it?" He asked angrily, looking at a lovebite.
I blushed, but was forced to talk "It's a lovebite. It's been a week, but it's still not gone" I said and his face turned red.
I orbed out before I could spill anything else and materialized in my living room.
I'm screwed.
I was pacing back and forth in my living room, Drake still wasn't home and my brothers were calling for me, but I refused to come.
The books pages were moving wildly without me touching it and when it stopped, I picked it up, read the page, put it down and it started again.
I need to finish this demon and I'm not even sure I will be able to do it alone.
"Hey, what's up?" Drake asked when he shimmered in.
"I'm freaking out!" I snapped and went back to pacing.
"What happened? Were you attacked?" Drake asked worriedly.
This was something else that had changed. He doesn't mock me as much, don't get me wrong, we both tease and bicker with each other constantly, but it's not as bad as before.
"No, but Chris cast the Truth Spell" I said and he understood.
"If they knew we slept together, they'll vanquish us both" he said, sitting on the couch and I groaned, rubbing my shoulders.
"Your not helping" I whined and he laughed.
"I wasn't trying to" he said and the pages stopped.
Drake picked up the book and I added that to my list of abnormal things revolving Drake.
I can't freeze him and he can touch the book.
"Hey, what about this?" He asked, looking at a spell to vanquish The Source.
"It would work, but only after he's resurrected" I said and was thoughtful.
"Tell me your not considering it" he said and I shook my head.
"Never. I wouldn't risk my family like that," I said and winked at him "and I've grown rather fond of your presence" I teased, ruffling his hair as I walked into the kitchen to make dinner.
I was cooking and singing when Drake walked in, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I could help you relax" he swayed and I raised an eyebrow at him as his hand wandered to squeeze my ass.
Suddenly I was pulled into a premonition of me leaving the room to go to the kitchen and when I turned my back, a lamp shapeshifted into a demon, hitting Drake over the head and shapeshifting into him.
I came back and he hadn't noticed anything was up as he backed me into the wall.
"Sure" I smiled sexily and rest a hand on his face.
My hand turned white as the magic of the Halliwell line coursed through me and I vanquished the shapeshifter.
I walked into the living room and shook Drake awake.
"Hey, your doppelgänger just tried to have sex with me" I said when he woke up.
"What?" He asked and winced, touching his head.
"Shapeshifter" I said by way of explanation and stood, walking back into the kitchen.
Over dinner, we were talking about how I copied my moms freezing power and now that I added hers to mine, I had the ability to freeze good witches, but I still can't freeze him.
"I just don't get it" I groaned and he smiled.
"I don't get why you won't just go after the biggest, baddest demon and copy their power" he said and I rolled my eyes.
"You think like a warlock, Drake. If I do that, people will know I have this power and they will figure out a way to take it" I explained
"And you would be the prime target of the Halliwell's. Not Wyatt" he said, speaking aloud.
"Bingo," I poked his nose and he gave me a look "and then my brothers would never leave me alone" I said, my distaste for that speaking volumes.
"And I would never get to do this" he smirked, blinking behind me and began kissing my neck.
I stood up, kissing him fully on the lips and let him lead me to the bedroom.
We were laying on the bed, fully clothed I might add, when Wyatt orbed in and world war three commenced.
Wyatt snarled, throwing Drake across the room and through the door to my bathroom.
I ran in front of Drake as Wyatt release a energy blast.
I cried out in intense pain as huge amounts of electricity coursed through my body, frying the electricity within three blocks and I slumped to the ground.
My breathing stopped and Drake was at my side in an instance, growling at Wyatt when he stepped closer to heal me.
"Stay away from her" he demanded, throwing a energy ball at my brother and Wyatt orbed in place.
He materialized just in time to see me being Blinked away by Drake.
The man I had been making out with moments before.
The man my protective older brother now knew was a warlock.
I'm gonna kill both of them.
And to top it all off, I now only have one more power I can copy.

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