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DC: What about us? Do we have a panic room or something?
Florida: DC, every room you're in is a panic room.

Florida: Are we doing more of this or can I use the Jacuzzi hot tub that we've been blessed with?
DC: Are you serious?
Florida: Oh- Are we gonna spend the night here and not use that?
[cuts to them sitting in a Jacuzzi]
DC: The- the jets don't work.
Florida: [laughter]
DC: We're just two guys sitting in a tub.

Alaska: I can't see the top of my head.
Rhode Island: You're tall. No one can see the top of your head except God.

California: There's definitely a force at play here though.
Louisiana: And what is that?
California: Gravity.

DC: [screams at bats flying in the room]
DC: [drops his flashlight, screams louder]

Florida: The boys are gonna solve this!
Florida, later: You know what, let it be a mystery.

California: I feel like you have baseball cards of this guy, you-
New York: I absolutely do not. They don't make serial killer baseball cards, though, do they?
California: If they did you'd probably own them
New York: YOU would own them-
New York: in a heartbeat
California: no, I think you would own them too-
California: I'd own them-
New York: you'd be like, "I'll trade you a Gacy for a..."
California: [wheeze] "I'll trade you a Gacy for a Zodiac!"
New York: yeah

California: He's gonna hate this.
[cuts to DC]
DC: I fucking hate this.

DC: I hate this.
Florida: This is sort of beautiful.

Utah, holding a pistol of holy water: Don't try, demon.

New York: Friends murder each other all the time
New York: it happens

Florida: That sounds like a bad idea and I love it.

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