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Esme raised a brow with a smile, "Well your father seems to be having a good time." Bella nodded a little looking to her phone, "Yeah I guess he is." There was a moment of silence, Edward wrapped his arm around Bella comfortingly despite not being able to read her mind he knew that she was worried about Charlie getting himself hurt. Emmet spoke up, "Do you think he's getting lucky?" He grinned cheekily chuckling, no one could help but laugh shaking there heads. "Emmet please." Carlisle said shaking his head smiling a little, "We shouldn't speak of Charlie's privet life." Emmet nodded a little and was quite for a moment but couldn't help himself from grinning and saying, "Hope he uses protection." Roaslie rolled her eyes at her mate but couldn't stop the small curve in her lips.

Esmerelda waved her hand gesturing to her bedroom, "You take the bed.." She started to make her way to her small couch. "No.. No I'm not taking your bed." Charlie argued back lightly he was a gentlemen after all and wasn't about to kick Esmerelda out of her bed and Esmerelda knew this would be a problem and she looked to her couch and then her double bed. "The couch is to small for you to sleep on." And they both knew she had a point, it took them another 10 minutes of drukinly arguing before they both where asleep on Esmereldas bed fully clothed the rain pattering against the windows.

Edward had took Bella back home when he saw how tired she was. Bella had looked to her dad's bedroom door and despite his car not being in the drive she still checked to see if he was in his bed, but he wasn't. Edward placed a hand on her shoulder guiding her gently to her own room, "He's a grown man Bella I'm sure he's just fine.. But you need to sleep." The bronze haired vampire got her to lay down in his arms on her bed and Bella slowely fell asleep the cold touch of her immortal boyfriend soothing to her.

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