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Other song requests:
-Lemon boy by Cavetown
-Your Best American girl by Mitski
- Feel Better by Penelope Scott

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Emery's pov:

I woke up with a mild headache and a terrible fever. I spent all day in bed rethinking my choice of not accepting Midoriya's jacket.

My door opened and Mina walked in with a huge grin on her face.

"I have a surprise!" She smiled through her teeth.

I stared at her waiting for her to tell me. what it was.

"Are you not even gonna guess?"

I shook my head no.

She sighed, pulling out a box of chocolate-covered strawberries. I jumped up and reached for them but Mina held them up away from my grasp.

"Answer my questions and then I'll give you one." She demanded.

I gave her a childish pout before laying back in bed. Chocolate-covered strawberries were one of my favorite foods because they were one of the very few foods I wasn't allergic to like, pickles, tulips, and peanuts.

"There was this boy he said he knew you. Do you know him?" She said.

"How are you gonna ask me if I know someone if I don't know what they look like." I gave her a blank look.

"Green hair, freckles, extremely pretty, hand sca-"

"Midoriya. Now give me the strawberries." I groaned barely having enough energy to reach for them.

"Oh, so you do know him?" She smirked.

"Yes, now give it."

She sat on my bed and handed me one strawberry. I took off the top leaf and ate it whole.

"The more questions you answer the more I'll give you." She commanded.

"Like a dog?"

"Like a dog. Now, is he nice?"

"He's an asshole, give it."

I reached my hand out and she passed me another strawberry.

"Really, what'd he do?" Mina laid.

I sighed not being interested in the topic at hand but only wanting the strawberries that Mina was taking hostage.

"Stole my first kiss, broke my heart, and destroyed my dreams, then moved on like nothing happened." I said taking another strawberry.

"Go on." She grinned.

"Are we forgetting I'm sick? I'll tell you later." I snatched the container from her hands as she glared at me.

She didn't move and continued to give me pleading look.

I fake coughed hoping that would get her to leave and it did. I munched on a couple of strawberries as I let my mind wander. Sadly enough, my mind had wandered in the wrong direction.

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