The Girl in the Hat

357 19 39

[Subject: Speech, thought, narration/description, (action)]


It's sundown and Ash is training together with Greninja and Pikachu by the riverbank meanwhile Serena, Clemont and Bonnie are preparing for dinner.

Ash: Greninja! Water Shuriken!

Greninja: Greeeninja!!

Ash: Pikachu! Dodge and use Electro Ball!

Pikachu: Pikkaaa! Chhupikka!

Ash: Alright, Greninja! Now use cut!

Greninja: Greeeninjaaa!!!

Ash is splashed with water.

Ash: Great stuff Greninja! Now time to use double team!

Bonnie: Wowee! They're into their training like crazy!

Clemont: I am having a battle with them right after dinner!

Serena: Huh?! Hey, Ash! You'll catch a cold! Here! (Throws towel)

Ash: Huh? Don't worry, I'll be just fine! Uhh...Ahchhoo!!


The skies were clear with only a few clouds visible. The weather was sunny and pleasant. Lush meadows with grass moving gently in the breeze. Leaves of trees were rustling and the air was filled with abundant sounds of nature.

Ash: (Waking up from underneath a tree) Yawn! That was a good nap...wasn't it, Pikachu?

Pikachu: Pika!

Ash: (Looks around) Hey, where's everyone else? (Gets up)

Pikachu: Pika?

Ash: Serena! Clemont! Bonnie! Where are you guys?

Pikachu: Pikapi!

Ash: Where IS everyone? Come on Pikachu, let's look for them.

With Pikachu by his side, Ash starts walking and looking around. The place seemed somewhat familiar and strange at the same time. They follow a path to a small hill where they see someone standing, looking over the horizon.

It was a girl in a hat...her long hair moving gently in the wind.

Ash: Hey, isn't that? But her hair...

A stronger gust comes along and blows away the hat she was wearing. Ash catches it.

Girl: Oh! (Looks behind)

Ash kept looking at her...unable to believe his her hat back to her.

Girl: (Takes the hat and smiles) Thank you! I don't know how far I would have had to chase after it!

Ash: How's it possible? Your hair...

Girl: Hmm? What do you mean?

Ash: How did your hair grow longer so fast?

Girl: My hair? Have we met before?

Ash: (Perplexed) Huh? Serena, it's me!

Serena: How do you know my name? Do I know you?

Ash: What? Why are you being like this? It's me, Ash! Where are Clemont and Bonnie?

Serena: Huh...Ash, is it? I don't think we've met before and I don't know who you're talking about. Thanks again for catching my hat (she said bluntly).

The Girl in the HatWhere stories live. Discover now