It can't be true? Right?

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Dua's Pov and timeskip to when Ertugrul bey was saved by his alps and all and Tüttekin came back injured:
After such a long and tiring day i was heading back to my tent. I was thinking about the past few days or more like weeks full of incidents. I washed my face with warm water to calm down my nerves and honestly it was very soothing. The past few days what else I noticed was that for some reason me and Artuk bey were close extremely close and it kinda bothered me because I never got this close to someone ever. So I decided that I'll look into this matter closely and find out if there's anything hidden.
I went out and saw non other then Doğan, Bamsı and Turgut coming towards me.
"Ayeee Kardeşim, where u going?" Doğan asked me. "Nothing i was just deciding to go for a stroll outside." I smiled up to the three of them. "Stroll? More like getting caught again." Turgut chuckled at me. I looked at him and our eyes met for a brief second when I looked away and huffed. "That was just an incident that won't happen again." "Yeah right, I'm pretty sure it won't." Though sarcasm dripped in every word of his sentence but the way he smiled at me made me melt under his beautiful gaze. I don't know how much longer did we stare at each other but Doğan was the one who coughed to get our attention. We both looked away blushing. I was pretty sure I looked red like a tomato or if there was any darker shade. Turgut was also blushing but his was mostly covered by his bangs and beard.
"Anyways, I'm going u wanna come?" I asked them and They thought for a second before nodding their heads at the same time. I laughed a little at the three of them one I noticed Ertugrul bey and Artuk bey coming. "You're all going somewhere?" Artuk bey asked us. "Yes Baba, we were just going for a stroll outside or maybe for ride. U wanna come Ertugrul bey?" Ertugrul bey smiled at me and thought for a while. The man was quite thoughtful or should I say quiet and thoughtful about everything. In the meantime Artuk bey spoke up, "Be careful this time, don't get hurt again. Your previous injuries aren't fully recovered yet remember?" "You really are like a dad. Don't worry I'm perfectly fine there's nothing too serious." I smiled at hime but he looked like he didn't buy it. He was impatiently for something else. "Ok ok fine I'll be extremely careful happy now?" He smiled and patted my head and said, "Yes much better." "Well now then that's settled u guys go i have some things to work on and look into. Artuk bey let's go." Ertugrul bey said. I literally rolled my eyes at him and he knew why i did that so he just chuckled and left.
After some good racing and riding we decided to sit down. "I was the one who won. Come on Dua tell them." Doğan was claiming that he had won in the race. We all reached the finish line first but he and Bamsi were still fighting over who won. "To be honest we all reached the same time didn't we Turgut?" I asked him and gave him the look 'help me' but he decided to annoy me more. "I don't know. I think Bamsi won." I looked at him wide eyed and gave him the 'seriously' look. He just laughed and looked away. "See even Turgut kardeş, knows that i won." Bamsi boosted. After a good and tiring debate we settled on a tie that no one won and they ended going to a race again to decide who won. "I can't believe u annoyed me at that point." I huffed at Turgut.
Turgut's Pov:
She huffed out in annoyance at me. She looked so cute doing that. I don't know why but i just like to mess with her and annoy her just see her huff out which makes her cheeks puffy and red. I like to make her blush and see her blood rush down to her cheeks and ears. I like to see that smile see her laugh or more like i like to make her laugh and smile. I don't know why it's just a cute feeling in me and makes me content all time. "Will u stop staring at me?" I finally came out of my trance and saw her cheeks were red again. She was blushing because of my stare. I quickly looked away. I was also blushing madly but i still managed to smile. "I wasn't staring at u I was thinking about something." I said and smirked at her. She looked away and just laughed a little. That beautiful laugh I could hear it all day. "Can i ask u something?" She said out of nowhere. "Hmm sure." "Does Artuk bey ever had a family?" I was confused to why she asked that but still answered truthfully, "I don't know he said he had a wife and daughter but the Mongols raided the tribe which resulted in his tent getting burned. He said that he was fighting hard to save his family but he was badly injured so he fell unconscious and when he woke up he was in some other tribe. They told him that the Mongols burned the whole tribe and he was the only one alive they found. That's all he ever told us." She was in deep thoughts after listening to the whole story. "Did he ever look for her daughter or wife?" She asked. "Yeah he tried for many years but never got a clue so he lost hope and left it. But why are u asking all this?" I was really interested in knowing the answer. "I'm just feeling a lot closer to him and it's pretty strange because I never get too close to someone ever. So i was deciding to look in the matter." By hearing this i was surprised because it was true. Artuk bey also never bonded with someone so strongly but she was a different case. Maybe because she reminded him of her own daughter or maybe Dua was his daughter there were many possibilities.
Suddenly out of nowhere an arrow struck in the ground where we were sitting. We stood up alert and in full stance to fight. But to out surprise there was no one there. We looked around for a second before deciding to look at the arrow. I took it out and saw it had a note. I looked for a sign or something but the whoever sent this had burned out the sign. I took out the note and read
"U and your long lost relationship with him will end and u will end it with your life. If u stay quiet about the traitor u both can live. And your friends too. Because i knows u told them about the traitor of the palace. If his life is precious to u stay quiet. If u don't know who I'm talking about come and meet me in the woods at dawn u will get your answers but come alone only."
"What is this supposed to mean?!" Dua was beyond frustrated and confused. She didn't know who sent her this, she didn't who the hell HE was talking about, no nothing. I tried to relax her by saying 'we'll find put together' and 'she doesn't need to be worried' and 'this is just a mere threat' but nothing was convincing her. By this time Doğan and Bamsı had also came back. I explained the whole situation to them and they were in deep thoughts like us.
Dua's Pov:
I couldn't believe it who the hell had the courage to sent me a threat so directly even when and what do they know or more like who do they know that they're threatening me like this. The 3 were trying their best to calm me down but i was frustrated again. Whenever i try to put this matter aside and leave it someone else comes up or does something to make things worse again. After a long and deafening silence Doğan suggested, "The best thing to do right now is tell Ertugrul bey about this." "What?! No! Definitely not! Are u mad? He will most probably get worried and start thinking about this matter when he already has a ton of other problems." I cried to them. "Well then what do u think u should do?" Bamsi asked me. Everyone looked at me waiting for an answer and after thinking for sometime I decided, "I will go there myself." "Do u hear yourself?! Do u know what you're saying?! This is the most dangerous thing for all we know this could be a trap to shut your mouth forever!" Doğan shouted at me. All of them were extremely furious after listening to my decision and were beyond confused as to why i was thinking so dumbly. "Doğan is right, we can't let u go there all by yourself it's too risky. We need to figure out some other plan." Turgut said. "Yes! There has to be some other way. Turgut Kardeş is right. If u want to go with this plan let us come with u so we could help if things go wrong." Bamsi suggested. My heart warmed at this and tears welled up in my eyes to see how much they cared for me and how worried they were. "Okay, here's what we'll do. I will go there at dawn and u will all make sure to hide nicely in the bushes that are near the cliff. I'm sure he will meet up beside the lake under the old oak tree. If u see things suspicious u can come out and help and if not then stay hidden. Or if i sense any danger i will inform u somehow. Ok?" They thought for the plan for a while and said, "Sounds great. But what about Ertugrul bey? We can't lie to him and he will notice us leaving before dawn as the lake is far away." Bamsi did had a point there. If we lied to Ertugrul bey he would be very mad at us and will punish all of us. "I suggest we should tell him and discuss this plan with them because this is the wisest thing trust me." Doğan added. Turgut looked me in the eye almost pleadingly and said, "Come on Dua, this is the right thing." I couldn't say no to him. For some reason my heart didn't want to refuse to him even though my mind said otherwise but i listened to my heart and gave in. "Ok whatever u say but if he get more worried due to me I'll kill u all." I said eyeing them grimly. They all chuckled a little and said Evelallah is unison.
We all went back to the tribe and immediately went to the Marquee to meet Ertugrul bey. After greeting him and Halime Sultan we all seated. Halime Sultan looked beautiful then ever and with her little baby bump I adored her more. She and i were growing close lately along with Selcan Hatun but i did hate her sister though, she was very idiotic to say the least as she never believed her own sister but only Atolun and Goncagül who were so evil that it was written all over their faces. Moreover she envied Halime alot because she loved and Ertugrul and was extremely jealous of Halime for taking him from her. Whereas Ertugrul bey wasn't a bit interested in her, she only thought of her as a sister. His heart only belonged to one queen and that was Halime Sultan who was now bearing his child. "We have something to tell u bey." I started and Ertugrul bey loled at all of us waiting for me to continue. "Well u see today at the woods..."
Timeskip to when story and plan is told to Ertugrul bey
Ertugrul bey listened quietly to the story and saw the note that we received through the anonymous arrow and intensely listened to our little plan. "You're plan is good and seems ok to me but it's not good for the just 4 of us to assist her. I suggest we should take Abdulrehman and Dumrul too. We should have some Alps in hand so that if things go wrong and if they have a bigger ambush plan we could defend ourselves and maybe even defeat them this way." Ertugrul bey said. He had declared that he was coming with us no matter what we say and after his suggestion it seemed pretty right what they said. We didn't know what could possibly happen so we agreed to it.
Timeskip to the meeting(plz forgive me for so many Timeskips but the chapter's getting so long)
We arrived at the place. Everyone was starting to taking their positions when Turgut came up to me.
3rd person's Pov:
Turgut was having this odd feeling to protect Dua and keep her safe but he couldn't just say it to her so instead he decided to talk to her. He walked up to her and out of the corner of the eye his friends were watching him without making him notice it. Dua saw him approaching her and inhaled a sharp breath. For some reason the black haired Alp gave her heart some odd feelings and made her heart beat a little faster. His onyx eyes always made her get lost in them and it always felt like time froze when their eyes locked. "Be careful ok? I just want u to be safe nothing more." Turgut, after looking at her for so which maybe some mere minutes, said. Dua's heart skipped a beat and she smiled up at her. That smile that made his heart melt and warmed him up. He could see it all day.  "Don't worry I'll be fine and if it makes u feel better I'll be extremely careful and won't let my guard down." This was enough to make Turgut smile and make him feel a little better. Part of him knew what was happening but never accepted it but part of him told him to play dumb and stay clear of her and not get any feelings for her because he knew what fear and problems could happen and he could be left broken again but still at that moment he let go of the feeling and just smiled warmly and contently at her. Everyone was watching them and was observing them quietly and everyone knew what could happen between them but let the matter slip for the time.
After everyone took their positions and Dua was at her place under the oak tree she waited. They all did and after a short time a guy came on horse. He was of Bamsi's height and was covered in black. His face was covered by his cloak. He approached her carefully and eyed everything around him to see if there was anyone else with her hidden somewhere but go his surprise he saw no one. Dua almost let out a breath of relief. Everyone was well hidden and was watching carefully. The guy came up to her and said nothing he just gave her a letter and then went away. She was surprised to at what just happened and then after everyone was sure the guy had left they came out and looked at her. "Don't look at me I'm also as confused as you all are." She said. "Open it." Abdulrehman said. Abdulrehman was a great friend sometimes he acted strangely around her but that was nothing big she thought. She opened the letter and instantly it dropped from her hands when she read it. Ertugrul bey picked up the letter and in it was written:
"U thought i will come to meet u. How dumb u are little Commander. Don't worry I'm still deciding on telling u what I decided to tell. You're now united with your long lost father so if u don't want that moment to ruin stay away from this matter forever that is best for u. Take good care of your father Artuk bey before u lose him because of your stupidity Dua and maybe u should ask him why he kept it from u for all this time."
She was trembling after reading this reality and it dawned on her why Artuk bey was so close to her. Everything became as clear at that moment and she realized each and everything. But what hurt the most was that he knew it. He knew he was her father but didn't tell her. Did that meant he gave him up to someone? Did he left her because he didn't want to keep her or he hated her? There were millions of questions in her mind. She had tears in her eyes that were threatening to spill any moment but she was being strong. Ertugrul bey placed a hand on her shoulder and assured her, "There must be answers for all this we can't assume anything yet. Don't let your negative thoughts take over u." Everyone nodded at her. But she was like numb at that moment she didn't know what to say or do. She only let one word slip out her mouth at that time.

It All Started With A Hunch(A Turgut Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now