・❥・Chapter Two.・❥・A bad first impression.

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Canadas Pov/Third Person.

Canada slowly woke up, her eyes fluttering open like the wings of butterflies. As she first stared at her wall, allowing herself to wake up. Her alarm started going off, it was the sound of rain with a soft piano. She sat up, lightly shining in the light of her fairy lights. She then rubbed her eyes and pulled the blankets off of her and moved her legs to the side of her bed facing the rest of her room. 

She pulled herself off of the bed and opened her closet, looking for the outfit she planned the day before. It was a black turtle neck, a black belt, page pants with wide legs, and a black jacket. She left her room and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. She brushed and straightened her hair and did her make-up.  

Leaving that bathroom and going downstairs, she saw a note on the counter saying that her father was at work. Though she was used to it, it still tugged at her heart. She went back upstairs and to her room where she played music as she put her laptop in her bag along with the charger. She got a few other things for school and then zipped up her bag and threw it over her shoulder, as she grabbed her phone and headphones along with her bus pass and went downstairs, grabbing her keys. And left to the bus stop.

It took her around an hour to get to school, but she spent half an hour in a cafe getting breakfast. She spent her mornings like this, her goal to leave as early as possible. That was what her life was like in her last home, she never really grew out of it. She did it mindlessly while her father wished she did, he wanted her to know that the horrid life they had is over but Canada failed to understand that. 

Russias Pov/ Third Person

Rushing out the door and throwing his bag over his shoulder, one thing ran through his mind. 'Fuck I'm going to be late!!' He raced to the bus stop and hoped he had enough time and the last possible bus he could take to get to school. Luckily, it did come. Russia let out a sigh of relief as he showed the bus driver his pass and went to go find a seat. He put in his headphones and played whatever music he was into.

When the bus arrived at his school, he was the first to get off the bus. His cold-hearted expression jumped onto his face as he walked into the seven-floor building. The halls were busy, everyone bumping into each other, but they still made room for Russia. You see, they were afraid of him, they were afraid that if they hit him by accident, he would hit back. And their fears weren't false, Russia would do that.

As he made it to a bench in a corner of a mainly empty hall, he met his friend there. "Hey, dude!" China greeted as he watched Russia walk over. "Hey, twig," Russia smirked. "How's it been?" China asked. "I saw you yesterday China, plus you wouldn't stop calling me last night." Russia chuckled. "Well you never know, I could've missed something." "What? That one breath I took when you weren't calling me?"

They laughed, but when they calmed down, China continued the conversation.

"Have you heard?"

"What? Is it one of those times when you 'forget' to add me into a group chat?"

"Yess But that's not the point."

"Oh? Then what's the matter?"

"There's a new kid! Something that exiting hasn't happened this year! And something always goes down."

"China the most exiting thing that happened was when Netherlands was hanging from the top floor window."

"No this is definitely much more exiting." 

"If you say so."

Russia rolled his eyes, not believing that whoever the new kid was more exiting then watching Netherlands dangle from the window of the school.

"Do you want to meet him?"

"Him? It's a dude?"

"Well duh, I herd its America's younger brother."

"There's another version of him? Fuck me gently with a chainsaw.."

"Oh come on, I herd he's good at hockey! We need another centre anyway."

"Yea true, but I'll meet him when I do."

"Yea, okay."

China was sarcastic in his reply to Russia, mainly because he was secretly leading him to the third floor, where supposedly the new kid was. Russia was mindlessly following along as it was normal for them to walk each other to class. When they made it to the third floor, it was a lot more crowded then usual. The third floor only has a limited amount of lockers so it was a lot less busier before and after school. When China and Russia where walking through the crowd when Russia bumped into Finland. 

"Oh hey dude!" Finland said happily, looking but at him.

"Hey Finny, what are ya doing here? Your locker is on the other side of the school." He asked

"Rumour has it that the new kid is somewhere on this floor." He semi joked.

"What's so exiting about the new kid?!"

"Oh come on Russia, this has to be the most exiting thing that happened this year."

"I already herd that from China and no, Netherlands incident was the most exiting thing that happened this year."

"That's it, your meeting him."

"Wait what-"

He was cut off when he was suddenly pulled through the crowd, to a row of students in there locker surrounded by people who whispered and glanced that them. Trying to figure out who the mystery student was.

"That's him, the one end locker." Iceland pointed, unfortunately, the locker door was covering his face. So they couldn't make out much about him. Russia was about to say something when he was then suddenly pushed towards the student and hit him by accident. As they hit the floor, Russia debunked the main rumour, the student wasn't male, but female. Which made this situation a lot more awkward. And one though ran through his head.



A/N: this is my second book and not my main one so do expect slow updates, plus my motivation non existent and my mental health is weird rn so yea

Not pog

Uh word count:1056

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