confession #3

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Today is the day that the third attempt at a confession will take place. Previously, all methods have failed by pure coincidence. This time, he had secured the plan.

Michimiya: I saved you all seats,, get here fast!! :D (12:30pm)

Hinata: Ty!!!! Be there soon :) (12:31pm)

He slides his phone into his back pocket and begins a sprint towards the cafeteria. Today, everything will go according to plan. It had to. He didn't know how he was going to hold out if it didn't.

He finally arrives at the entrance to the large space, packed with noisy teens. He makes his way to the left corner, his gaze meeting girls with shining smiles and boys with sheepish grins. The whole volleyball team had agreed to sit with the girls' team as well, to make him look less suspicious. They had worked out the details with Michimiya. It felt good to have such a wholehearted supporter. Let alone so many of them.

He faked a slow inspection of the table, looking for an empty seat, before his eyes finally meet with hers.

Her. Oh, how excited he was for this. On the inside, he was a giggly mess, bursting with joy. On the exterior, he kept a cool expression and slid into the chair next to the E/C eyed girl. 

"Hey, Shoyo!" she beamed.

"Hey, Y/N" he said, his face heating at an alarming rate.

He grabbed for his empty lunch bag right as he heard it.

"Aw man. I forgot my lunch at home. This sucks." she shot out.

He froze in place, making sure he heard her right. This couldn't be happening. His plan was to forget his lunch and ask to share hers. Now, they were both just lunchless.

"Oh.. me too." he replied, bummed out.

Michimiya's gaze shot to the pair, widening.

Without thinking, the short-haired girl spat out, "You guys should go get something from the vending machine together!"

Shoyo's face immediately flushed, ears going red.

"That sounds perfect." Y/N exclaimed, grabbing his hand.

Before he had the chance to react, she yanked him up and started running towards the cafeteria doors.

He was overtaken with feelings. Right now, he was holding the hand of the girl he loves, no matter the circumstances. He was actually holding her hand. He physically couldn't contain himself, letting small grins bubble up.

They flew through the hallways and came to a sudden halt in front of the machine, causing them both to trip.

The position they landed was favorable for the blushing boy. They laid next to each other, eyes meeting one another's. For a solid 30 seconds, he forgot how to breathe.

"Ouch." she laughs. "My bad, Shoyo. I didn't mean to take you down with me."

"No, you're fine!" he says.

A slow smile takes over her face. "I'm really glad to hear that."

He stands up, extending a hand.

"Here, let me help you."

"I appreciate it."

Once they're both up, she jumps towards the machine, punching in a code out of memory.

"Do you have to do this often?" he questions.

"Unfortunately. I don't have the greatest memory."

He knew that. Of course he knew that. This had happened countless times in middle school. The defeated expression that was present every time she forgot was irreplaceable. He loved her all the more for it.

She picked up a sandwich out of the slot and moved to the side for him to pick his meal. He opted for the same as her.

"We should head back." he said.

"I don't agree." she grinned, grabbing his hand once again.

He broke out in laughter without much thought. This was awesome. "Whatever you say, Y/N."

This time, she led him to the back of the school. This revealed green fields for as far as you could see, flowers blossoming in every corner.

"This is beautiful." he exhaled.

"It is." she replies, dropping into the grass on her back.

He took up a position beside her leaning backwards as well.

The warm sun tickled their skin, making the atmosphere all the more welcoming.

He still couldn't get that stupid smile off his face.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, before she broke the mute scene.

"I really like you, Shoyo."

He perked up, hoping for the best.

"Hm?" he replied.

She rolled towards him and he did the same, staring at the girl.

"You've never given me a reason not to." she continues, knocking out all of his hope.

"Oh.." he says, not knowing what else to say in the situation.

"Promise me you'll stick around, 'kay?" she says calmly.

"Obviously, Y/N. You haven't been able to get rid of me for this long, what makes you think I would suddenly ditch?"

"I'm happy you're so stubborn." she says.

He swears that everything she says makes his heart flutter, this was a serious problem.

"I'm sorry I haven't said as much recently, I really am." he lets out.

"Don't worry about it." she laughs. "It's always just been me and you, Sho. It'll last forever, no matter how shy you get."

He seriously falls more in love with every word she says. God, save him.

"Thank you for everything Y/N. I mean it."

Her grip tightens on his hand.


He may not have achieved his picture-perfect confession today, but this was pretty damn great. Tomorrow was a new day. Another day closer to his final goal.

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