the final confession

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Shouts of pure curiosity surround the boy. The members of the volleyball team had never been this eager to be updated on Shoyo's love life. It gave him a little bit of an ego.

"You have to tell us what happened!" Nishinoya exclaims.

Multiple agreements are echoed throughout the group.

"Just... spit it out already." The lanky blonde mumbles.

"Oh?" Hinata shoots up. It had to be really killing him for Tsukishima to actually ask him.

"Fine, fine. I'll tell you." The ginger grins, before filling in his teammates on the events of the previous day.

"Oh my god." Sugawara exhales. "You're serious?"

"So, so serious."

"What's your next move?" Daichi questions.

"Uh, I don't really know."

"Are you serious?" Tanaka rushes out. "The girl of your dreams said all of that sappy shit to you and you haven't mapped out the rest of your lives yet?"

Shoyo lets out a small laugh. "Not exactly."

"Well you need to get on with it, bro. Pick up the pace before she dips."

"I hear you, I hear you. I know what I'm doing."

"I sure hope so." The ace sighs.


It's been a day since the previous conversation with the rest of his team. Shoyo has been trying to think about his next course of action, but has drawn a blank every time.

This love was truly merciless, it was so difficult for him to act normal around her. Especially after their encounter from that day at lunch. He finally felt like he might have a shot, and he didn't know to really process that information.

He's wanted this for so long, the idea of it being a real possibility was too much for his head to register.

He couldn't be near the smiley girl without becoming a blushy mess. It's not like that was new, though.

He currently sat in his math class, unable to focus on the equations on the board. He zoned out while he thought about her.

They shared this class together, one of the very few classes they've mutually had over the years. He seemed to have the worst luck with that.

He continued trying to brainstorm ideas for his next confession. Something huge? Something romantic? Something sweet? The team did say that sweet would be the best option.

While he's thinking to himself, the bell rings, signaling that the school day is over.

He begins to stand up, his head down, when he hears someone shout out to him.

"Shoyo!" the feminine voice exclaims.

His head shoots up, catching the gaze of the H/C girl.

"Hey, Y/N." he smiles.

Several members of his team were also in this class, they took longer picking up their stuff, trying to subtly watch the exchange.

Brief conversation flows between the pair, nothing of importance being brought up. Small talk had been their specialty recently.

After a few minutes, the girl begins, "Well, I really should be going."

She begins to turn away and his heart flutters.

His team still lurked in the room, whispering to each other.

Shoyo didn't have time to think it through, he quickly decided that he couldn't let this opportunity slip away. He couldn't manage waiting for another chance.

His hand shot out, gripping her wrist.

The girls eyes drifted back to the ginger.

"I'm sorry, did you have something else to say?" she asks.

He breathes in deeply, "Yeah, actually."

She stares back at him, her gaze questioning.

It's now or never, he thinks to himself.



"I love you."

Her eyes wide slightly. She begins to speak but is quickly shushed by the panicking boy.

"I know that we're not as close as we used to be, and I really don't expect you to feel the same way. I just needed to get it out because I've been in love with you since middle school and it was killing me and-"

His rambling is cut off when she leans in.

As she kisses him, everything suddenly calms in his head.

He gently smiles against her mouth.

The team begins clapping as the pair pulls away.

They both blush and look down.

"It's about time you said something." she grins. "I love you too, Shoyo. I always have."

And everything finally falls into place.


sorry i took literally forever 💀💀 there will be an epilogue

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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