A Thousand Reasons....

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Love does strange things to us, turns us into strange creatures and makes us fools.

Love plays games with our hearts and toys with our feelings. Love is a bitch.

Love is beautiful and kind. Love is hurtful and is only tragedy masked with a pretty face. But love makes life worth it; you make life worth living.

You made me live life and not merely exist, I no longer float through my days a wandering soul. I now live life. You are love, everything it is and everything is will do to me; you are it.

When the day comes that love breaks my heart and the pain crashes upon me your face will be the one I anchor myself too. Even after you are gone or have left, your voice will be the one I hear and long for.

And when you are out there accomplishing things people only dream of and have to leave me behind, our memories will be the haven I seek.

Because you are love and life, you make everything worth it. Every single ache I will feel, every tear I will cry, and every time my heart will break; you are worth it all.

You are worth more than life itself. Time slows to catch a glimpse of you, gravity reverses itself just to get closer to you, and fire loses its burning pain in your presence.

You are love and life, the beginning of my life and the end and everything in between.

You are simply beyond words. But I will still say them, I love you

A love letter to you Where stories live. Discover now