Prologue: Through the Loving Eyes of a Monster

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The Destroyer could never remember where or when he found the boy.

It never seemed important.

Mikael doesn't like questions he can not answer. Yet he had lived for long enough to know that sometimes it's best not to ask at all, or else one may risk losing their heart.

To the Destroyer, finding the boy was one of those fantastic life changing moments when he could hear a voice screaming from within him. It was not the voice he was used to, not the cruel voice who told him to harm his children. It was a different voice, one kind and soft. In his youth, Mikael might have named such voice; he might have thought it was one of his Gods, Odin or Thor, gracing him with their strength. He had asked for their blessings many times throughout the years; begging them to stop him from hurting his children. Yet they never listened.

No. His gods were dead to him. He would not name such a voice. Mikael simply accepted what fate had decided for him.

When he took Hunter into his arms and hummed a soft melody to call down the child, Mikael knew he would forget the circumstances of their encounter. Why should he remember?

Mikael could recall the births of all his children. He had always been able to conjure them when he needed to remind himself to stay alive. The first time he held each of his children... those were his most sacred memories.

The first time he held Hunter in his arms were among such memories. The smile his little boy graced him with as Mikael played with his little was all safely guarded in his heart.

Yet it was not Hunter's birth. Mikael was almost sure he had not been present for the occasion. He never tried to remember who handed him the baby. Mikael simply knew he had promised to take care of the boy.

Hunter was Mikael's second chance.

His rebirth.

And rebirths, contrary to popular belief, are far too alike actual birth.

Meaning it was not Mikael's fault he forgot how he found the boy and who had been with Hunter before he found the child.

Nature forced him to forget. She was kind enough to allow Mikael to stay blind; unaware of one last tragedy.

Mikael had already lost too much. The truth about his new son's origins would destroy him.
He would love Hunter regardless.

But when has love been enough to stop Fate?


Please vote and comment. It'll take me some time before I post more chapters. Tho I'm almost done with the next one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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