POC representation

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So earlier in the representation post I mentioned how I was going to talk about tropes with representation that needs to be stopped and that's what I'm going to talk about right now. Now I feel like I should clarify I follow and listen to a lot of POC creators over at tiktok so alot Of things I'm mention are going to be reiterated from there and I'm going to mention some of the creators in the end of this rant. And I highly recommend if you have tiktok to follow them to learn more about what needs to be done on the representation side of the movie industry. Now onto rate topic POC turning into creatures need to stop. Although I do love princess and the frog and soul, they use the plot device of the POC character turning into a creature for mostly on the film. This plot device needs to stop because not only it's overused on POC people it's annoying because POCs are not being represented for who they are and need to specially nowadays. The movie Industry also needs to stop using black pain for views and them is a example of that not to mention in the trailer I can tell it probably uses the "crazy black lady" trope which is very harming. and it's classified as horror too! Which I'm going to have another rant about them later on and expect to it have a lot of caps because I'll be yelling at the top of my lungs!!

Anyway here are some POCs tiktok creators that I watch:

Movie rants Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora