Part four

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--- Part four,woooh ! :D
Don't know if this is going to be the end...
Whatever,just have fun with this Part ! :D ---

"So is this a yes ?" he asked hopefully.
"Yes." I grinned.
He just smiled at me,then he engulfed me in a very thight hug.
I giggled and he let go of me.

We walked back into the livingroom.Lucienne was laying on the ground,she had fallen back asleep again.In Louis' arms.
"Look,that's so cute !" I said.
"If you think two totally hungover,sleeping and not even properly dressed people are cute,then yes.Yes they are cute." he replied sarcastically.
"If you say it like that,it doesn't sound cute anymore." I laughed.

He kicked Louis slightly,trying to wake him.To no avail.He kicked him harder.Louis groaned reluctantly.

"Get up,jackass !" Zayn yelled laughing.
"I don't want to mom." Louis muttered,his voice was muffled because his face was laying on the floor.To be precise,his face was laing on his t-shirt,which he was currently not wearing.I started to laugh pretty hard.
"Mom !?" Zayn asked chuckling.
"Mmhhh.." Louis mumbled.
"Get up drunken momma's boy !" Zayn yelled at him.

Louis actually opened his eyes.
"I'm not a momma's boy !" he declared.
"Whatever you say,Tomlinson." Zayn laughed,helping Louis to get up.

"Okay,I have to ask now..WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO WITH SISTER ?!" I screamed at him.
"Lucienne is YOUR sister ?" he asked in shock.
"Twin sister." I answered seriously.
"Ohh ..."
"Yeah,nobody thinks that at first.Different hair,skin colour and so on."
"But you do look pretty similiar." he stated.
I just chuckled lightly.

"Have you already seen what happened to the other boys ?" Zayn asked him.
"Harry probably went with that Blondie,I don't know about the others." he replied.
"Well,Josh is laying in the wardrobe..." I began.Louis bursted out laughing.
"And Liam and Niall... are laying in the shower." I explained.
"Together ?" Louis asked.
"Yes." Zayn answered.

They both cracked  up again.
"What's so funny about that ?" I asked.
"You know,our bromance are famous.. But Harry's and mine is much more known and shipped as Liam's and Niall's.Nobody ever genuinely suspected them to be gay,but we thought it.We KNEW it." Louis explained.
"Okay.. " I mumbled.

 "We should go and look for some other drunken bodies,shouldn't we ?" Zayn asked.
"We probably should." I answered.

He took my hand again and we walked through the livingroom,it was huge.We had found Louis and Lucienne right next to the door,we didn't pay attention to the rest of the room.We left Louis behind,he was trying to wake my sister again.As I already said,she was the prudent one,she didn't drink often,so the alcohol hit her very hard.I on the other hand had just drunk a lot of it.

We reached the sofa,two random chicks were laying on it.We shoook them,commanding them to get up.They actually did.As they woke up,the immediately stumbled towards the hallway,muttering they had to go.They staggered through the hallway and left the house.

"Strange,isn't it ?" I asked Zayn,who was holding my hand again.It felt oddly good...
"Yeah.." he mumbled.

We walked back to Louis.He was still trying to wake Lucienne.
"Did you see those chicks ?" Zayn asked.
"Yeah.. odd." he stated.
"We're gonna go upstairs." Zayn replied.

We opened the door and entered the hallway.Then we slowly walked up the stairs,not wanting to risk falling down due to the hangover.

We reached the first floor and stopped.
"We already looked in the bedroom and in the bathroom .." I told him.
"Yeah,let's just look in the bathroom again." he said.
"You should get on a shirt first,though." I informed him
"Oh,yeah.I'll just take one from Harry." he responded chuckling.

He walked into Harry's bedroom and came out again a few minutes later.He wore a loose,dark grey  t-shirt with a pocket on his chest.

"Are they awake yet ?" I asked him.
"Nope." he answered,popping the 'p'.
"Great." I replied laughing.

He took my hand and we stepped into the bathroom.Zayn immediately started to laugh again.

"They're not even that funny !" I said.
"Yes they are !" he protested.
"No !" I replied.

I walked cross the washing machine and heard a noise.
"Ehm,Zayn ?" I asked.
"Yeah ?" he replied.
"The washing machine is making strange noises."
"Huh ?" he asked.
"Just open the damn thing,please." I told him.

I litteraly screamed as Zayn opened the washing machine and somebody fell out of it.A boy,more a young man.

"Ohh,Dan." Zayn mumbled.
"Do you know him ?" I asked.
"Of course,he's our guitarist."
Oh,okay." I replied.

Zayn slightly shook him,but he didn't even stir a little.He shook Dan harder but nothing happened then either.He yelled at him and he didn't react.

 "We should bring him downstairs,shouldn't we ?" I questioned.
"Yeah,we probably should." Zayn answered.

Since Dan just didn't want to wake up,we had to drag him down the stairs.I took his arms and Zayn took his legs.We dragged him downstairs,he was surprisingly light and easy to carry,and positioned him on the sofa,right next to my sleeping sister.

"Louis,can you get Josh ? We'll look in the kitchen." Zayn asked Louis.
"Okay." he answered plainly.

Zayn took my hand once again and we walked towards the kitchen.The person on the table was still laying there.It was a red haired girl.She was surely beautiful,but her totally overdone makeup ruined her face.Her dress looked a little slutty,it was strapeless and barely covered her bum.

After we had carried her onto the sofa,we returned into the kitchen.There was guy in the corner,laying on his face.I turned him around,intending to try to wake him up,but Zayn kind of cut me off.

"Sandy ?!" he wondered.
"You know him ?" I asked.
"Yeah,he's our bassist." he explained to me.
"Okay.." I said.

After some pointless tries to wake him,he dragged him out of the kitchen and placed him on the sofa as well.

"So,is your whole band in this house and mostly unconscious ?" I asked chuckling.
Louis and Zayn laughed as well.
"Probably."Louis stated.

 "Harry and Blondie are in bed,we don't need to get them here,do we ?" I interrogated.
"Nope,but maybe we should get Niall and Liam.And we shall look in Louis' room." Zayn answered.

"You'll go get Liam and Niall,I'll look in my room." Louis commanded.
"Okay." Zayn and I said in unision,which caused us both quite a heavy laughing fit.
"You two are cute." Louis said giggling.
"Thanks." Zayn and I said,again in unision.We cracked up even harder.

After we recovered ourselves,we went upstairs,AGAIN.That day was surely enough workout for two weeks,ugh.Since Niall seemed to be the thinner one,I took him and Zayn took Niall.We carried them downstairs.The sofa was gradually getting full ...

Soon Louis came downstairs,supporting a totally hungover boy.
"Oh,you found Jon." Zayn exclaimed.
"Yes I did,in my wardrobe." Louis answered laughing.

"Your band seems to like uncomfortable sleeping situations." I stated.
"I suppose so." Zayn replied chuckling.

"You know what ?" Louis asked.
"What ?" Zayn and I answered coincidentally.
"I'll take a picture of you two." Louis said.

He positioned us infront of the sofa and took out his phone.We put our arms around each other's shoulders.While I tried to look normal,Zayn had to pull a silly face in the last second.Louis laughed pretty hard as he took that photo.Of course we did a proper photo afterwards.

"Somehow the first one is actually really cute." Louis said chuckling.
"Not really.." I replied.
"It is !" he exlaimed.
"Whatever you say,Boo." Zayn answered.

(The picture in the multimedia shows how the picture would look like,but of course with Zayn and Angelique)

Hangover - A short Zayn Malik lovestory - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now