Chapter 4: The Learning of Life

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"How do you all feel about the new student?" The teacher questioned.

"She aight," a random boy yelled.

Then Jaamal spoke saying,"She's cool, she does got some things to learn."

"Yeah, right," Taquisha answered. "She ain't nothin' but a foo."

"Ugh," I grumbled, annoyed that she just wouldn't stop. "For your information, I am NOT a 'foo'. I'm pretty smart. I think that you're the fool here," I fired back.

"Excuse yourself Elizabeth," the teacher, who I later learned went by Ms. Harrison ordered.

"But-," I started only to be interrupted by Ms. Harrison's raised hand.

"No buts. Also, I would like to see you after class for your misbehavior," she said aloud like she wanted to embarrass me. Mission accomplished Ms. Harrison. After her comment a roar of laughter erupted from the class.

"Way to go Liz," I told myself.

I took a look at the class and saw everybody laughing. Expecting to see Jaamal defending me, I saw him alongside Shawn and Taquisha on his lap, laughing his eyes out. I was so stupid for actually thinking that he liked me. I knew I wouldn't be accepted here I just thought that I might have a chance. Now, with that chance gone, I knew I would lead a miserable life here.

"Quiet down class," Ms. Harrison shouted. "That's enough."

After 30 seconds the laughter finally began to die down. The students were quiet but I could feel there icy glares seeping through my skin. When the teacher turned her back students would throw crumpled paper or spitballs at me. I turned around to look at Taquisha and saw her kissing Jaamal while he squeezed her butt that sat on his leg.
I then saw Jaamal open his eyes and he looked at me immediately and saw the hurt in my eyes. Instead of doing what I thought he would do, which was to stop kissing her, he bit her bottom lip pulling her tongue into his mouth. He grinned while kissing her, showing his beautiful white teeth. I turned immediately, knowing that he was trying to make me jealous. Though I didn't show it, I was positive that he knew his plan worked.

To keep my mind off of things, I turned my attention back at the teacher who was teaching about the pilgrimage of the Brits in 16-something. I saw a few people paying attention. One boy with glasses and a box-cut like Shawn's was taking notes in a worn-out notebook. One girl with braids in her hair and a ruby red ring on her finger was taking notes on her arm.

When the teacher finished her lesson, she called a restroom break. A timeout was what they called it. As we headed out I saw Jaamal talking to Shawn. I glanced over at Taquisha who was talking to the girl with the braids. Taquisha started laughing and I thought they were friends until the girl replied back to Taquisha. A split-second later, the girl was pinned down on the wall and being slapped senselessly.

"Hey! Stop it. Leave her alone," I yelled , running towards them. I pulled Taquisha away with the help of the boy with the glasses and box-cut. As the boy pulled Taquisha I grabbed the victim who was crying. I examined her face finding cuts along her lips and eyebrows. Her nose was bleeding like crazy and her cheeks were bruised which, in fact, her tears weren't helping.

"Come on," I told her,"let's take you to the clinic."

The boy who helped break the fight approached me saying, "You can't. There is no clinic."

"London...London is right," the girl said. "I'll just clean up in the bathroom."

"What?! No," I replied. "Your wounds are too serious to just wash off. If you can, wait 'till my father comes. We have a medical kit in the car."

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