Part 5-Abilities

8 0 6

Pick a random number between 1 and 8 (if your option doesn't match up with your tribe, pretend you are a hybrid dragon)

1=Can breathe fire, can read minds, can foretell the future, are good at making prophecies.

2=Can withstand subzero temperatures and very bright light, good at gripping ice and tearing enemies' flesh, only 1 claw can be like being clawed 4 times, can breathe ice (aka only their breath).

3=Quite strong, capable of hiding in mud, may rest when partially submerged in mud, use mud to ease pain, and heal wounds, can breathe fire when warm enough, can hold their breath for 1 hour.

4=Can alter the color of their scales to mimic objects surroundings or to just suit their preference, can spit black venom, can breath fire.

5=Has gills, can breath and see underwater, can use their tails wings and webbed talons to swim, can breathe water, can use their tails to battle other dragons or create huge waves.

6=Has deadly stinger, has venom in claws and/or teeth, can emite a horrible stench,Can predict the weather, and so much more.

7=In six years old can fly, like hivewings can predict the weather, and use their antennae to sense vibrations in the air.

8=Can absorb energy from sunlight, can posses leafspeak wich allows other dragons to understand plants, Can produce a poison in saliva which they can "breathe" out so they breathe poison.

What did you get? I got number 8! Type what you got in the comments section below! (Also i picked number 8 before I wrote everything so I didn't purosley pick leafwings because their a relative of my wings of fire tribe.)

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