Part 2

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He walked through the mud; messy shoes, murky water, muted souls. His heart ached as he walked. Ached for Mabel, ached to be like the other boys in his elementary (at least 4'5). He was quiet, his soul was at peace. Away from the people who constantly stared, away from those prying eyes staring at his nubby legs. The eyes which caused his tears that tangled in his cheap attempt at facial hair. He didn't know what they were really saying, if they truly were gauging his grandeur from his small stature. The taunting whispers and giggles felt eternal though, and he was desperate to escape. His escapism led him to it. The mushroom of apotheosis. Lil Gideon's eye caught it. He read about it in his books. Once eaten, the mushroom of apotheosis gave you one thing; height, zenith, power. He wanted to feel like Zeus, to rule the sky, to hover above all of those who hurt him in his past. Cronus is those who walked by laughing, those who called him an elf or a midget. He wanted revenge. Without hesitation, Lil gideon grabbed the mushroom from the dirt. It was glowing blue, sparkling like rain droplets on leaves when the sun peaks out of the clouds after the storm. He was drawn to it. Its energy projected onto him he felt it flying closer and closer and closer to his mouth...

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