Seven words for Love

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did you know
that the Greeks
had Seven words for Love?

well, they do, and i think that's beautiful.

english can be so messy, we just say 'love' and get it over with, but its so much more difficult than that.

there's friends and there's lovers and there's those somewhere in between.

there's parents and there's children,

there's places and there's times of day,

seasons, phrases, things,

we love all of it, but all if it is different in so many ways, and the love we feel for it is different too,

but we just keep using the same one word,

and in my opinion, it tends to make things messy.


Romantic, Passionate love.

the love you feel in the heat of the moment, when the only words come in the form of fingers on flesh and lips on collarbones.

the love you feel when you look at a lover,

the love you feel when you dress up, strike a pose in the mirror, and imagine things that make you sweat.

but only that

the love apparently you still feel for me.

I'm sorry, but I can no longer return it.


the love that comes from holding hands and shoulders to cry on

the love that's shared between brothers and sisters, mothers and daughters, fathers and sons.

the love between friends, platonic but oh so close, you need them like you need a lover, because in a way they are jut as much your partner as someone you'd kiss and hold close at night.

the love that i do still feel for you


the love of falling in love, of putting in effort and knowing that your heart is completely in another's hands.

the love that's shared when there's a bind between two that they want to keep a hold on for eternity

the love that comes from talking for hours. just talking.

the love that comes from smiling the second you hear their voice,

the love of commitment.

I once felt this love for you.

now I only feel it platonically. you still make me happy but I'm not falling anymore, I'm sorry.


the love that comes from shared moments in time

from memories of holding hands while you cross the street and trying new foods for the first time

the love in a family, not unlike Philia, between child and parent, or the closest of friends.

the that comes from knowing you watch the same sun rise and set,

from knowing that even if you're several hundred miles apart you still stand on the same Earth, still breathe the same air,

and that keeps you close.

I still feel this love for you.


the love of compliments and suggestive words shared in between moments, before retiring to bedrooms and balconies and descending back into where we cane from- Eros, again

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