bullies and cigarettes

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Izuku's pov

Ever since I told everyone my quirk I've been bullied. I've never told mom and dad though. It's never been so bad but suicide baiting and really mean words. I'm 13 now and other than bullying my life is pretty awesome. My life is filled with pro heros now and my amazing family.

But I'm missing one important thing... I have really bad depression. I've gotten into metal and rap music now and dress pretty emo when im not at home. Mom and dad don't really seem to mind seeing as dad mostly dresses in all black.

Today after school Nemuri (aka Midnight) promised to take me to get some piercing and take me shopping. But right now I'm trying to ignore my number one bully Bakugo Katsuki. We used to be best friends until I got my quirk, It makes me sad I lost my childhood best friend.

But I made a new best friend Hitoshi Shinso, and he's much better than the angry pomeranian. After we met he transferred into my school.

Back Flash

I was walking home when I saw some kids beating up a kid with purple hair in an alleyway. They were using their quirks on him a knife quirk and a fire quirk to be exact. I ran up to them and erased their quirks.

"Why isn't my quirk working?" On bully yelled. As the kids weren't paying attention I told the boy I'd save him. I grabbed him and put him on my back and ran. Soon my eyes were getting really sore and as soon as I was far enough away, I blinked.

Since my father's hardcore training I gained a lot more mussel. So I carried him all the way home, my parents weren't home so I sat him on the couch.

The boy never talked as I cleaned him up and took care of him. Soon he passed out from the pain across his body. He was scrawny like I used to be. Soon my parents got home and I explained what had happened. Soon he woke up in a pant with scared eyes and tears streaming down his cheeks.

Soon I calmed him down and he thanked me for everything. Soon we became best friends fanboying over eraserhead, cats, coffee and emo bands

Flash back over

(Writing while listening to Hamilton lmao)

Soon it was lunch and I went to the roof where I usually ate my lunch. I unpacked my lunch when someone sat next to me. I looked up to see an older boy with long black hair and bright blue eyes. He had a scar that went to his eyebrow to his cheekbone. He was wearing the school uniform but a black hoodie over his shirt. And he had rips in the knees of his school pants and red converse.

"Mind if I sit here? Well I'm already so fuck it." He said laughing in a very deep voice.

"Hey.." I said awkwardly

"Wassup? My names cole. What about you?" Cole asked

"My name's Izuku Midorya." I replied.

Cole took out a pack of cigarettes and took one out. He lit the cigarette then puffed on the cigarette. "You want one?" Cole asked as he got out another cigarette and handed it to me. "Sure. I need something for my stress anyway." I chuckled as I took the cigarette.

I've only smoked once when I was eleven, I stole it from my dad. So I knew how to smoke, I just didn't do it often. Cole gave me a white lighter with the number 666 on it. I lit the cigarette and inhaled the toxins into my lungs.

We smoked two cigarettes then talked for awhile, getting to know each other. We exchanged numbers and left for school.

After school me and Shinso met up and walked to my house. We both changed into our clothes since Shinso had left clothes over at my house. He spent most nights at my house.

(Izukus outfit)

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(Izukus outfit)

(Shinso's outfit)

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(Shinso's outfit)

After we got dressed Nemuri picked us up. We said bye to my parents and left. Soon we arrived and went to a tiny tattoo shop in the mall.

(Izuku's ears

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(Izuku's ears.)

Soon after my ears were pierced I got snake bites and my septum pierced. Shinso got the same as mine on his ears.
Soon we left the tattoo shop and went to go get food. I stopped when I saw Bakugou and his little posse of bullies.

We ducted under the table and waited for them to pass. I got back up and Nemuri was confused.

"What was that about?" Nemuri asked us.

"Well... Uh... Those kids bully me.. Its not that bad just really mean words." I said not saying anything about the suicide baiting.

"Oh that school is definitely going to get it." Nemuri said with an angry tone in her voice.

"It's fine aunty! School is almost over with anyway. Its nothing I can't handle, I promise." I said lying through my teeth.

"Well okay... But you still need to tell your parents honey." Nemuri replied sadly.

"I will." I said once again lying.

After we ate we went to hot topic and shopped till our feet dropped. Then we left and dropped Shinso off at his house and she dropped me off.

"Oh my goodness! When I said you could have piercings I didn't mean this much." Mom groaned in annoyance.

"I think he looks fine dear." Dad said calming mom down, I laughed and gave mom a kiss on the cheek and went to my bedroom. I put all my stuff up and got dressed in some ball shorts and a white tshirt. I did my schoolwork than laid in bed listening to music on my phone.

Soon I fell asleep dreading school tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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