The announcment

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Jesus had finished his daily worship with his disciples when Judas had asked him to help him out, "Jesus, I forgot my suppressants, I- I need" he couldn't spit the words out. They had been alone at the time and Judas was in a strong heat, worst than ever.

Jesus POV
"Judas, you know, I can't sin like this" I looked down at my feet, I knew it was wrong but I couldn't help it, I had liked Judas for a while now. "Jesus please.." he begged on his knees, there was not possible way I could say no to that.

After our platonic make our session, Judas seemed different, something I couldn't quite put my finger on. "Jesus, we can't do this anymore" he said pulling further back and facing the bedsheet we had been sitting on. "Is this because of the boner I got last week? I told you that was very platonic" I said quickly hoping our spicy sessions didn't have to end.

Judas was now backed up against the wall, curling his knees to his chest and squeezing them tightly. "No, Jesus, I can't it just hurts too much to keep doing this" he said now burying his face into his knees, his voice so small I could barley hear. "What hurts? You know I can do anything because I'm literally god 🧍🏻" I said trying to convince him. "You don't understand, it's my heart that hurts" the last few word were barley a whisper, but I understood what he meant. "Oh..." was all I could say. "Is there anything else you need to tell me? I have a meeting with the sinners at 11-" I was cut off as Judas quickly and quietly blurted out "I'm pregnant", I was so shocked I couldn't move.

Judas was now crying, still curled up as I was one the edge of the bed debating on if I should send a week long letter to the sinners about a slight rain check, they could get stoned later. "Are you sure it's mine?" I asked wanted to make sure before I came to a rash decision. "Jesus, I haven't been with anyone else because....because that night I was in you remember? We- we bonded", my eyes grew wide, my jaw dropped to the floor, and I felt a tear drip to the floor, the tear suddenly revived a flower which I had picked up and handed to Judas.

"Judas, if the child is mine, then- will you marry me? I know it's sudden but if we have a kid before marriage, I might have to stand with the sinners". Judas looked up, his eyes watery and his clothes soaked from tears, he wiped his eyes looking at me in disbelief "but we can't get married! You don't love me and we don't know how to take care of a child!". "YOURE WRONG!" I shouted "well, about one thing...I-I do love you", the words slipped from my mouth and more tears fell from his eyes. There was a smile that lite up his face "I love you too", he said as he took the flower, accepting my proposal.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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