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I text her

I text all of them like if I'm taking to you.

You live on in the way I text.

In the way I speak

My mannerisms

My quirks and foibles.

I see you in all of them.

I cant take them anywhere becuase the stupidest part of me is waiting for you.

They get 3rd best becuase I was waiting for you to go to the best places.
My favorite places.

The places I'd see your face light up.

I text them as if I'm waiting for a response like yours.

"You're going to change the way I talk."

That fucken hurts to hear.

All my responses and jokes are things we'd talk about. Inside jokes and little references.

This just fucken sucks.

I guess I realized that I don't like them.

I don't like her.

She really likes me but I don't like her.

I'm stuck.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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