Part Six

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 (Three Month Later)

~Megan’s POV~

“Still up for that party tonight?” Tom asked as we entered our street.

“Yeah of course” I smiled as we made our way round the corner onto our street.

“Good, see you at six” He smiled pushing the gate open.

I grabbed his bag pulling him back “I don’t think so” I told him.

“What, I’ve got to get ready?” He replied “Got to look my best after all, I was the one who persuaded your dad” He looked down at me a smug smile playing on his lips.

“Yeah and that’s why my Dad wants you to help set up” I replied with the same smile on my lips, he knew he couldn’t get away from it now, my father was to powerful and always got what he wanted and also, Tom was shit scared of him.

He sighed, defeated “Let me get my stuff first”

~ ~ ~

I stood leaning against the bar, swirling the drink around in my cup, the music was pumping and more and more people were turning up but, not the people I wanted to see especially.

“Alright” Tom winked as he walked past his arm wrapped around the waist of some leggy blonde I’d never seen in my life.

“Yea” I sighed, walking off towards the toilets.

I walked around the corner and instantly stopped and walked back around peeking around carefully. Alex stood there shoving Ellie against the wall forcefully, aggressively; she was putting up a fight with him.

“You listen to me you little slut!” He shouted slurring on his words “You do what I say” He scolded.

“Why should I? I did my part of the deal, why can’t you just leave me alone?”  She shoved him off her.

“No, if I haven’t got her, then all I’ve got is you, you know, I do love you baby”  He walked back over to her opening his arms.

“Just get away Alex, I’ve done what you and Tiffany black mailed me to do, Now just stay away from me” She told him through gritted teeth, before making her way around the corner without even noticing I’d just witnessed everything.

I took a deep breath and exhaled before making my way around the corner to toilets.

I noticed Alex standing against the far corner off the wall, where there was hardly any light, I heard him sniffling, so did the most stupidest thing ever and slowly walked over.

"Alex, I everything okay?" I asked softly, patting his shoulder.

"Go away" He mumbled.

"No, Even though you don't know me anymore, I still love and care about you, you can talk to me, anytime" I told him, he sniffled again a couple of times before turning around to face me.

He sighed. "I never forgot about you, I was forced to forget about you" His voice cracked as he came to the end of his sentence.

I stood staring at him, my mouth opened into an 'O' shape at what he'd just told me. "I…I…What?" I didn't know what to say, what was there to say?

"It's been driving me insane, I don't know if I can last another day, Another hour without you, I have and Always will love you" He searched my eyes for an answer, it felt like he was looking into my soul, his hands came up to cup my face and his thumbs rubbed across my cheeks as he wiped away the tears that had started to fall.

"I... I... I can't do this" I cried, turning and running through the crowds of people until I was outside, the cold air darting towards my skin creating goose bumps, but right at this moment I had too much going around  my mind to think about how cold the temperature was outside. I sat on the wall at the opening of the night club and began to sob quietly; I didn't need anyone’s pity right now.

I clamped my hand to my mouth to muffle my sobs as heard sickening giggles coming from the entrance and soon another Tiffany, the schools bitch descended with a short, bald headed guy, I took a second look, it was Max.

Why would he go with her, I’d told him what she was like towards me, well what the hell? He’d witnessed it at least five times! So much for the person I could always talk to. 

No one seemed to care, no one seemed to ever care... I thought my life was perfect, well, obviously not considering everyone i'd put my trust in has just turned around thrown it in my face, they're all liars.

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