4 - Hauntings of the Past

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Abbacchio became a police officer straight after high school. He enjoyed his job a lot because he had always wanted to help others around him. He always believed what he was doing was the correct thing. His early start in his career was going great until he made a huge mistake that would forever impact his life and decisions.

Abbacchio began to notice that most of the criminals that they arrested would end up slipping through their fingers with some minute loophole. He started to see people escaping their punishment to the point where he thought it became a problem. He observed this problem after he caught a man working with a prostitute. The man was giving the woman money in return for sexual favors. The man quietly offered Abbacchio a wad of cash if he kept his mouth quiet and didn't arrest him. Abbacchio took the money.

On another night, while Abbacchio and his partner were on patrol, he got a call about a break-in. As they arrived on the scene, Abbacchio went inside the dark house with his gun drawn. He walked quietly throughout the house until he stumbled into a room with the man that he accepted the bribe from. Abbacchio froze as the two of them stared at each other.

"It's you!" The man exclaimed. Abbacchio held out his gun and threatened to arrest the man. The man began to bargain and try to reason with Abbacchio.

"Listen, if you let me go I won't cause any more trouble, but if you arrest me I'll tell everyone about you accepting my bribe." The man pleaded, his hands behind his back. Abbacchio was slowly becoming swayed by his offer. He couldn't let the fact that he accepted a bribe come out or else he would be discharged. The man slowly pulled out a gun from behind his back. Suddenly, his partner busted through the door and was shot. The robber was shot with his partner's gun. Abbacchio's eyes widened and started to cry. He scrambled to get to his partner's lifeless body and held him close to his body.

Abbacchio's career had ended that night. He was discharged as a police officer and abandoned by his family. That night forever haunts Abbacchio's memories, his dreams, his decisions, and anything he does in life. Once his career ended, he started to drink and mindlessly walk the street. He had nowhere or no one to turn to. He was forever alone.

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