I put the bi in bitch

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So this is just me telling you that I am bisexual, (I lean more towards girls) and telling off people who are hating on bisexuals. One of this things that I hate about biphobia is the phrase "Pick a side!" -_- this literally kills me because 1. I couldn't even if I wanted to, and 2. What the actual fuck, I don't need to. Another thing that pisses me off is the fact that some people have actually had the nerve to tell me something along the lines of "Bisexuality isn't real, You're just confused." It's such a horrible generic biphobic thing to say and yet people are still saying it. 

The last thing I wanted to talk about was the "half gay half straight" thing. I'm not mad at people who are saying this because they don't understand it's not true, those people simply need to be told that it isn't true and taught why it isn't, however I am mad at the people who have been told that it's not true countless times and still say it. So just to clarify, bisexuality isn't half gay half straight, it's a whole different sexuality.


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