The thing I need to talk about with those kinds of heteros

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Okay so if there are any heterosexuals here, I need to talk to you about something: one, not all gay men are fem boys. Some are, but not all, I've always hated the stereotype that every single gay man is a fem boy, it's not true, being male and being gay doesn't say anything about how masculine or feminine you are. And if you think about it, this stereotype is also hurting cishet men in a way, it's basically keeping cishet men from doing anything our society considers feminine since they're so scared of being considered gay.

One of the things that makes this even worse is that society considers simply expressing your emotions feminine. This also goes for gay/lesbian women, except the stereotype for them is that all gay women are masculine, this is not true for the same reasons that not all gay men are masculine; being gay doesn't say anything about how masculine or feminine you are. I really hope that people will see how hurtful this is and change :/.


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