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"I can't count how many times I've jumped in front of a bullet or tried to stop a train. I can't count how many times I've had to scream and beg for things to end. I can't count how many times I've cried over something just to make it better.

I can't count all my mistakes. I can't count all my lies, my fakes, my falses. My deceptions. There's just way too many. I can't count them all. They're too overwhelming to put into a solid number. I can't record them like I'm supposed to. I mean...aren't Bookmen history as well? They're living in this world and doing great things, so shouldn't they be recorded into history, too? Who's doing that job? Who's writing down that one Bookman in particular has this apprentice that just won't stop breaking the rules? The laws. The one redheaded boy with the eye patch and green eye that just can't follow simple directions. But wait...he doesn't call them simple. Don't get attached and don't mind them, are not simple directions. They may just be a few simple words, but the meaning and action of doing behind them is far harder than anything the Bookman-in-training could imagine. He can't do it. And therefore...he falls. He keeps jumping in the way, and can't count his deaths. Like me. Me and him, two in the same, because technically I am him. I should introduce myself. My name is Lavi. And yes. I am a Bookman as well. Well...soon-to-be. That redhead is me. The one with the eye patch. And yes, everything I said about him that is me is very very true indeed. It may be painful. And I can't count it all. I can't count it all. I can't keep track of all the stupidity I've been repetitive on. I guess its just a bad habit of mine," he smiled and laughed, "oh well, I guess old habits die hard, am I right?"

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