Sydney X Shower

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(my pov)
     We sit on discord in the Juice Wrld & Chill server 😩. Sydney just finished rapping Marilyn Monroe, then said the most disturbing thing. "I have to go take a shower" we all gasped in surprise. Me and layla begged her to stay while Mindy was telling her to not leave. Alyssa, the sussy baka, was on mute the whole time.. In the end Sydney went over to shower, she left us.. All in the name of her new boyfriend.. Who, and why was he there!! We just wanted to sing random songs.. She left 😩.. I can't believe her!
(Sydney pov)
      I just left the call with those nerds. OMG they are spamming me!!! I can't believe this!! I just want to go to the airport to see my new boyfriend, shower. He is the hottest man alive!! He looks just like Harry Styles!!!!!!!!!!! I get in the car to finally see my boyfriend in person for the first time! We have been dateing for 8 years, and he is only 1 years older then me! I know this is a fact bc we face timed and he showed me his birth certificate. It could have been fake, but who cares, he looks just like Harry Styles!
     I arrive at the airport and go to gate 69 to wait for shower. He arrives, I gasp and hug him. He really does look like Harry Styles!!

The end
Sydney don't kill me this is all jokes

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