Speed Force (serious)

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Anyone with knowledge of DC comics speedsters obviously know at least a little of the Speed Force. Speedsters have all sorts of freaky, cool, and complicated abilities, one of them being the ability to merge with the Speed Force. And for those of you wondering what the Speed Force is, it is an energy field that provides all speedsters their power. Now, Wally eventually becomes the fastest Flash, this is ironic considering he was slower in Young Justice, but to me, getting zapped by chrysalis energy and a trip/merge with the Speed Force would be a pretty good way for him to get those increased powers. So, I guess you could say he "became one with the force" <- get it? Anyway, in some versions, Wally became completely made up of solidified Speed Force, so being turned into energy and becoming whole again is a pretty good theory for his increased power and his return right?


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2015 ⏰

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