Chapter 5

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Mosskit yawned, stretching her paws luxuriously in the moss and bracken and accidentally snagged her claws on a soft pelt.

"Watch it!" A soft hiss made Mosskit retract her claws and pull her paw back from the angry voice.

"Sorry!" Mosskit squeaked to a spotted gray pelt that was bristling aggressively. Her pelt bushed up, green eyes rounded with apology.

"Whatever," Skykit muttered, flattening her pelt and opening her jaws wide in a large yawn.

Well, that was a great way to start the morning, Mosskit thought sarcastically, rebuking herself for angering her littermate. Way to go, Mosskit. She gave herself a mental pat on the back.

The nest was too small for the three rapidly growing kits. Silverheart sometimes even slept in the warriors den to give her kits space. No wonder it was that Mosskit had accidentally hit Skykit when she was stretching. Gone were the days when all of them could fit easily in the nest without tripping over one another. Now, it required a special skill to not step on someone's tail.

Moonkit yawned and stretched, rolling over on Mosskit's dusty pelt. Mosskit ducked to avoid a paw outstretched to her eye, claws unsheathed.

Now with Meadowkit in the nursery, with the overspilling litter of Jaggedkit, Stormkit, and Frostkit, the den was so crowded that she could hardly breathe.

It's a good thing that Jaggedkit, Stormkit, and Frostkit are being apprentices soon, Mosskit thought ruefully. They're almost six moons old!

She lowered herself out of the nest, careful not to slip and overstep on a stray whisker. It's getting harder and harder to navigate here everyday.

She finally broke free of the nursery's fortified brambles and out into the clearing.

It was dawn.

Mosskit had always loved to wake up early and watch the sun's early morning rays spill out over the ravine.

The warm colors spread over the ravine, coming through the gap of the ravine, illuminating the forest beyond and letting Mosskit see the rich, green territory that was forbidden to kits. She couldn't wait to be an apprentice and satisfy the itch in her paws to explore FireClan territory. Mosskit wanted to know and memorize every scent, tree, bush, and plants in the forest!

The rich, musty scent floated to Mosskit in the nursery. Even though it was already leaf-fall, the leaves were still green and fresh. In the later moons, all the leaves would fall, leaving the forest barren of its pride and stripping it of its color.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

A voice startled Mosskit's thoughts, making her jump up in surprise. But it was just Shadestripe, with a mouthful of borage in her jaws. The scent of the herbs made Mosskit's nose wrinkle with distaste. Even if she wasn't tasting it, she could still smell its bitter taste.

"I'm just delivering Silverheart and Honeymist borage for all the kits," Shadestripe continued, oblivious to Mosskit's sudden quietness. "Lightfoot's kits are already eating prey now."

"Y-Yes... okay," Mosskit stammered, still stuck in her position and staring at the tabby medicine cat. "I-I mean, sure. O-Okay."

Shadestripe just dipped her head to the paralyzed kit and gave her a slightly curious glance before disappearing into the nursery. Mosskit took this as a sign to leave, and shot off into the camp.

Nearby, leaves surrounding the edges of the ravine. Some fluttered in the breeze, spinning lazily in the air before coming to rest on the ground. Mosskit swiped her paw idly at one, missing it by a whisker. She looked around hastily to see if anyone had seen her acting like a kit.

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