Chapter 6

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Mosskit looked up at the sky, wondering for the last time when it was sun-high.

Unfortunately, the sun was still tipping on the horizon, refusing to come up all the way. Dark red rays spilled over the ravine of the camp, illuminating everything with an orange tinge.

Mosskit let out a frustrated sigh, and resumed her pacing back and forth across the camp. Was he ever finished? Or the question was more like when would the sun get higher in the sun?

"He promised to show it to us," Skykit grumbled alongside Mosskit, shredding a moss ball she had snagged in her claws earlier this morning. "He'd better get on with it."

Though Mosskit agreed with her sister, she couldn't help but think that it was the sun's fault, instead of the annoying apprentice's.

"It's barely after dawn, and you've been pacing for the whole morning," Mosskit pointed out, inclining her head towards the horizon. "Besides, he told us that he'll be here at sun-high, not just after the crack of dawn."

Skykit just grumbled in response, resuming her shredding of the moss but with more vigour. Mosskit had thought that she had better stop the moss shredding or else her nest would be nothing more than a pile of scraps and bits. But Skykit always ignored her, like always.

Skykit's stomach grumbled in her belly, refusing to quiet until she had gotten a bite of food. Mosskit glanced over, suppressing a purr of amusement at her sister.

"I think it's about time you have your first fresh-kill," a voice mewed behind them.

Mosskit whirled around, to come face to face with Swallowsong who also had a look of amusement on her face. Face hot with embarrassment, Skykit nodded, looking shamefacedly at her paws.

"Here." A dull slap thumped on the ground, making Mosskit's mouth water with anticipation.

Finally, my first prey!

Skykit's eyes were round as she also started at the warm, unmoving gray body. "Can we eat it?" Her voice barely above a whisper.

Swallowsong rolled her eyes. "Of course, why else would I bring you it?"

Skykit's eyes gleamed as she sank her teeth into the vole's flesh, ripping out a juicy chunk of meat in her white jaws.

"Hey! Leave some for me too!" Mosskit yelped at her sister, diving in to get a share of the vole. Her stomach rumbled in appreciation when the meat was swallowed down her throat, settling in her belly with warmth.

"You're taking more than your share," Skykit muttered, pushed Mosskit to the side before feasting on it more.

Mosskit pushed back, her short legs striving against Skykit's larger frame. Eventually, she gave up and settled on the remains of what Skykit already devoured.

Swallowsong purred with amusement at the two kits who were scrambling for scraps. Mosskit licked her lips savoring every morsel until she was full.

"Oh... I can't move..." Skykit groaned, rolling on her belly in the ground.

Mosskit let out a mrrow of amusement as she nudged her littermate. "Probably because you were eating too much and didn't save enough for me."

Skykit just groaned again, falling over to an unmoving heap upon the grass.

"And that's why you don't eat too much prey." Swallowsong pointed her tail at the spotted gray kit in the grass. "It'll cause bellyache."

Mosskit purred. "I suppose we need to get her to the medicine cat den now. Skykit, can you get up?"

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