Chapter 3 | A day like any other

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"I won!"

(Y/n) jumped up and down in excitement.

Today she would finally get to go out end explore the island.

They decided to play the game of "rock, paper, scissors" to decide who would be the unlucky one to stay behind and keep an eye on the ship.

"I'm so sorry my sweet Nami chaaaan~"

(Y/n) smiled and hugged Nami who in all honesty didn't mind staying on the ship for once, she would have some alone time and could relax and sunbathe.

Zoro decided that he was going to stay behind too, saying that he was too tired and needed to sleep, as if that wasn't what he always does.

But if you asked (Y/n) it was just his way of hiding the fact that he cared about his crewmates and wanted to protect Nami from the possible danger.

As she thought that, a loud noise came from the sleeping pirate.


Or maybe he really just wanted to take a nap, who knows what is going on it that guy's head?


"Hey Sanji, do you want some help with the groceries?"

"(Y/n).. yeah,  i mean.. if you don't mind"

She smiled.
"Sure, otherwise i wouldn't have asked, don't you think?"

Sanji smirked and made a sign to follow him.

They made their way to the center of the city and tried to stay close and not lose each other in the crowd.

But because of the huge amount of people crossing the road they soon found themselves alone in a sea of unknown faces.


"(Y/n), what do think we should          get for...   (Y/n)? Hey! (Y/N)!"

Sanji looked around, desperatly scanning his surroundings, even for someone his height it was difficult to see what was going on just a few inches from him.

He tried calling her once more, but nothing, (Y/n) was nowhere to be found.

I should have taken more care of her, what if someone tries to hurt her?


She was a strong woman, there was no way she would let anyone touch her without kicking their asses.

The best thing to do would be to reach their destination and wait there.

And he was right, (Y/n) was already there, waiting for the blonde cook.

"Why did you take so much? Did you get lost perhaps?"

Sanji let out a small chuckle and jokingly pushed her shoulder.

"Shut up, you almost gave me a heart attack, you know?"

She just laughed and linked her arm with his.

"There, this way we won't get separated anymore"

The curly brow cook did his best to ignore the slight ache in his heart and took a deep breath.

"Are you okay? If you feel uncomfortable i can keep the distance, i won't get offended, you know?"

"No way, you'll get lost again. Besides, now that you're this close i can do this..."

He leaned in and slowly took his arm out of her grip, (Y/n) raised an eyebrow, wondering what he was going to do.

Sanji then decided to put his arm on her head and laughed.

"Good thing i'm taller than you, sweetie"

"Hey! I'm not short"

"Whatever you say shorty"

"I swear i'm gonna kill you Sanji."

He smiled and bent down to look into her eyes.

"I'd like to see you try."

She rolled her eyes and turned around.

"Whatever, let's go, the list is long and we don't have all day."

He triumphantly smiled and once again you linked your arm to his, feeling him tense a bit until he got almost used to the new feeling.

Oh boy, this girl will make him go crazy.

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