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One month later

He couldn't wait, how could he possibly wait? It was his first day in high school. Michelangelo was wide awake but had purple rings around his eyes as if he hadn't gotten any sleep whatsoever.

He looked both ways and crossed the street. No cars but it's not like people  even noticed him. He stared down at his shoes. Black, orange and white shoes. The ones he had to buy with the money he had found.

He looked up and was infront of the high school. His eyes widned and the tips of his mouth curled up.
'This is it Michelangelo! You waited a month for this, and hopefully, you'll be noticed and have friends!' Michelangelo thought and walked into the hight school. His smile faded away like the petals of a flower in the wind.

People every where trying to get to places at the same time. Lockers went all the way down the halls. Boys and girls talking and walking at the same time. All he could hear was laughing and the talking. Smiles clouded around him as swarmed like flies around food.

He gulped and walked down the hall.

His classroom was past the restrooms and next to the water fouintans. How he had known which room was his room was because he saw a sighn taped on the door.

He went down the row of names and
stopped at-


His breath hitched and his eyes widned at his sisters name. No? No! Why did she have to be in this class? Out of all classes why this one!? It's not like he didn't want to be by her, he did. He loved her too, just he had a few complications with her and him being 'siblings'. Especially her.
'I hope I don't sit by her.' He thought and opened the door slowly.

Michelangelo relaxed when he saw his sister in the front talking to the other girls. Thank the almighty for this miracle.

He sat down in the back of the room where it was less people. The kids in the front were too busy to even notice him, they had spit balls shooting everywhere and paper planes landing or hitting other kids heads. He banged his head against the table.
'This is going to be a LONG day....'
"Hey so do you wanna sit with us at lunch?" The girl with a pig-tail asked Sammantha. The bell had already rang, english was over and everyone was rushing out the door to finally get something in their stomachs before they died of starvation. Sammantha smirked

"Heck yeah! Where you sitting at?" Sammantha asked and banged her fist against her desk. The other girls smiled and giggled.

"C'mon! I'll show ya'!" The three other girls said and ran out the door. The group Sammantha had been hanging out with had five people in it, including her. She was the fifth, and she enjoyed the group. She knew about her brother sitting in the back of the room but she also knew that he was lonely. He had no friends and he had no one to talk to....but that was his idea not to. He controls his life, not her. She simply tries to help him by 'manning' him up, but that always goes wrong, as you can see. She could tell that he was already used to being yelled at and pushed around, and ignored, because it was a fact and you can't change a face.
Once a dweeb, always a dweeb.

Sammantha looked back at his desk, empty.
'He must've left by now.' Sammantha thought and frowned. She shrugged that off her shoulders smiling, and followed the girls out the door into the cafateria.

She got in the line, got her lunch and sat down where the girls were at. She didn't bother to look for him to tell him she was sorry for shuving him a month ago, but she couldn't. She didn't know why. Every single time she tried to apologize her words would always come out in a clump and she got frustrated. Then she got mad and treated him like crap and then he'd leave her in peace.
Was she that bad of a sister? I mean, come on! That's what siblings do, right?
"Sammantha!" Sidney wailed as she shopkeeper her shoulders, cutting her off from her thoughts.
"Are you okay? Your not thinking of which boy you like, are you!" Sidney grinned, pointing her finger at Sammantha's head. She shook her head furiously as the other girls giggled and smirked at her. "No!"
"Then what's on your mind girl?!" She ducked Sammantha's forehead.
"Nothing, don't worry about it. God..." Sammantha said smiling as she stabbed her fork into the salad she had and stuffed it in her mouth. Freeing her mind from her brother, her stupid brother...
He sat there and stared at the pages with a bunch of little words covering it, constantly shooting her glances. He had to spend the seven dollars he had on a tuna sandwich and crackers. Great.
He looked at his sister with happiness, yet sorrow in his eyes. Why didn't she like him? Was he that much of a screw up? As she called him...
He wanted friends, people that would smile and laugh with him, but nope!
He sighed and looked at his tuna sandwich.
'I bet when you were still alive you had friends, didn't ya'?' He looked at Sammantha.
'I can't give up hope! I must talk and start a conversation with someone or I'll try and restart one with her!' He smiled.
'Yeah, cause who cares that it's been three months and seven days since anyone's talked or even looked at you?!' He scoffed at the thought.
'Yeah! Nobody cares! You'll get friends! And if Sammantha isn't one then that's totally okay!' His face slowly scrunched up and he hunched over.
'It'll be okay...' A tear had fallen like his dreams.
It'll be okay...


The walk back home was dreadful. He slowly walked back home, looking around to see kids smiling and laughing. Not noticing him or even shedding a single glance for him. He was invisible to others, but they weren't invisible to him.
He stopped at a stop sign and looked around. Before he could take another step-
"Hey, wanna walk home?"
He turned around to see a girl in the same school uniform with black hair put in a ponytail. Dark brown eyes and pink earrings and a smile.
His eyes widened at the offering. She's looking at him directly in the eye. How? Why?
'Oh. My. GOD!' He screamed in his mind as he opened his mouth to say something.
"Bu... You... I..." Each word that slipped of his tongue tripped on one another, leaving the girl smirking with a raised eyebrow.
"I'll take that as a yes." She grabbed his wrist and started to walk. By his side. A girl. Talking to him. Noticing him.
"Why did ya' ask me?" He asked and he stumbled over his feet from being dragged along behind them ponytailed girl.
She looked over he shoulder and giggled. "You looked lonely. I thought that I could help ya with that."
His heart warmed up as a dim light flickered at the words. "Really?"
She hummed, signaling that she agreed to what he had said. Smiling (yet still stumbling) he continued to follow her until halfway.
"I live right here." He pointed to an orange house after a couple of seconds  of quiet. She looked to where his finger pointed and laughed, causing Michelangelo's smile to slowly fade.
"You live there?"
"Yeah... Why?" She looked at him with a smirk.
"I'm fiends with your sister."
He swore as soon as those words left her mouth he could hear his heart shatter.
"No! It's not cool!" She snapped, causing Michelangelo to jerk his hand from her grip.
" your sisters told us about you, loser! You can't do anything right! That's why you don't have any friends or a sister that loves you!"
Her eyes widened as soon as the last sentence left her mouth, but before she could say anything Michelangelo ran in this house. Blocking away everyone he knew, but didn't know him back.
He locked the door, ran upstairs, threw his backpack and fell face down on his bed. He cried, he cried so hard at her words. Was it true? Did she really not love him? Was she that bad of a sister?
He sobbed loud but it was muffled by his pillow that his face was stuffed into.
"W-WHY!" He screamed, arching his back so he could breathe. His breaths became more rigid and faster, his vision blurred but he continued to sob loud and hard.
He whispered as darkness consumed him.
"THAT IDIOT!" Sammantha yelled and kicked the front door as she breathed hard. She had just come home from a long and first day of school to find the door locked, nice.
"When I get my hands on him!" She momma led hardly as he searched through her bag for the fifth time.
She moaned and walked around the house to the backyard to see that the door was unlocked. She glared at the fact, how stud could he be to leave the door unlocked? Can't he do one task right?
"MIKEY!" Sammantha's voice filled the house with anger as she yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "MIKEY! GET YOUR LITTLE AS-" She stopped upstairs and found his backpack thrown across the hallway. She lowly growled and picked it up, stomping towards his room to find him laying on the bed.... Unmoving.
Her glare softened as she walked towards the unconscious, limp body and flipped him over onto his back. She gasped as she saw how big of a puddle was left on his pillow and face, how shallow his breathing was, how pale he looked. She lightly shook him.
"Mikey? Hey, dude. Quit it, it's not funny." He didn't move. She dropped the backpack on his wheeled chair and left his room, closing the door after her.  
Walking over to her room she thought about what had happened to him to do  that. Was he tired and that was sweat or did he pass out from crying? She sighed and sat on the corner of her bed, pondering about how and what he probably felt about her.
"Does he love me?" She asked herself a question that only his mind and voice could answer. Her face scrunched up and tears began to form in her eyes, making them shine like his brothers smiles and personality that had now dimmed over time.
"Does he still love me?"


HE sorely woke up as his clear baby blue eyes were now clouded. His mouth tastes sour and a white strip of dried saliva trailed down the right side of his freckled face. His backpack carelessly thrown on his chair making him close his eyes and sigh though his nose.
He slowly pushed himself up with his arms shaking. His back arched up and his back popped, he then changed positions and was now sitting on his bed with his hands gripping the edge and his head hung.
He looked up at his door, probably carelessly thrown open too. He stared at the hallway wall for minutes before getting up and walking out. It was time for him to cook since his mother wasn't here. She never was, and his parents were divorced. He never got to see his dad.
Meanwhile, Sammantha did.
He went down the stairs which led strait to the kitchen. Taking a deep breath he started.

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