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The only thing that was off was the way he acted. No one really thought about the way he acted until now. Now, every time he walked past someone he could see them cup the side of their mouths as they whisper something to their friend before giggling or laughing.
He would just go along with it though. He would see that all day long. Everyone whispering about him, maybe it was because of the outburst Sammantha had in the cafeteria a couple months ago. No, that was too long ago.
Sammantha was caught off guard by this behavior, because all he did... Was smile.
It's like if everything in his world was perfect. He'd say a couple hi's every now and then. But he was perfectly normal. No one knew why, not even his mom knew.
He would dress normally and smile whenever someone would look at him. He would go to sleep at eight o'clock sharp and wake up at six o'clock sharp.
It had also been five weeks since he's been up and back on his feet. The doctors had said that he might not remember things due to how big of a dose he had gotten, but from that, he was completely healthy.
"Good morning Sammantha." He waved as she walked out of her room. She watched him as he made his way downstairs and into the kitchen before hearing pots and pans clank against each other. Her eyebrow raised in curiosity as to what had gotten through her brother.
He had to have some plan up his sleeves. He wouldn't just forgive someone out of nowhere like that. He had to know something that she didn't. He had to be planning something. She could literally smell it in the air.
She closed her door behind her and she walked downstairs, only to find a whole plate filled with pancakes, bacon and eggs with a cup of orange juice. She stared from shock, her mouth partly open as she took in the sight. She looked around to see if it was Michelangelo's and not hers.
"What are you looking for? The tooth fairy?" He smirked as he picked up a instrument case from the black bench that was beside the door.
She snorted and rolled her eyes, crossing her arms and putting all her weight on one leg in the process. "No."
"Then what? Never seen a breakfast waiting for you on the table?"
She tensed at that.
'That was a low blow.' Sammantha thought.
"No! It's just, I was curious as to who's it was." She replied as she closed her eyes and jerked her head to the right. She heard a choked laugh. It took all of her will power to not yell and scream at him.
"Well then, mrs 'curious as to who's it is'. It's yours. Now come on, we're gonna be late ya know?" He said with sarcasm and annoyance in his voice, earning a deep growl from Sammantha.
"Fine I'll eat it."
"I know. And enjoy and savor it while you can."
He looked at her and smiled a sweet and kind one.
"You'll see."


"How's he been lately?" The nurse asked as she straitened a pile of papers on her desk before putting them in a drawer.
Sammantha shrugged and looked around the room again. She had done that maybe a couple fifteen times.
"He's fine now, but he still has some problems with his memory."
She smiled at Ms.Latino, the nurse.
Ms.Latino sighed before leaning back in her chair with a smile on, the sides of it twitching. "That's good honey. I'm just stressed, he's probably stressed too. Give him some time, he'll get better soon." She looked at Sammantha with a sparkle in her eye, making Sammantha smile even wider.
With that the bell rang, fourth period. Lunch.
She sped walked all the way to the cafeteria where she got her food and sat down at the table her and her friends sit at. Sighing, she opened her milk carton and started to chug it down.
"Whoa, easy there, will ya?" Her friend, Mabel said as she slid her tray beside Sammantha. She plopped down in her chair.
"I didn't know your brother played trumpet, no, trombone... I think." Mabel said and she tilted her head. Sammantha raised her eyebrow at that.
"He doesn't."
Mabel looked at Sammantha with her eyes wide open. "He doesn't?"
"No. He's never played an instrument before in his life." Sammantha still had her eyebrow raised as Mabel still stared at her.
Why did he have a case anyways? Sammantha would've said something about it but she didn't really think of it. she thought it was for one of his friends but then she realized he didn't have any friends to carry or give things to.
She thought about it and spaced out, until screams were heard. Her head shot towards the sound and she saw that people were crowding around something.
She sprinted to the other side and shoved her way to the front row, only to feel her heart stop, her blood run cold, her eyes go wide, the time freeze.
Michelangelo was in the middle of the huge circle with a pistol to his head. He had his back towards Sammantha, but she could see his shoulders trembling and his knees shaking.
Kids stared, others said words to try to stop him from the act he was about to do, then others tried to run to him and swoop him up to prevent him from doing what no one would ever want to do to them selfs. Every single time someone would try to take a step he's slightly pull the trigger down, making them step back. Sammantha didn't seem to notice anything but, the noise, the people, the words. She only saw her little brother with a pistol to his head. His finger wrapped around it, ready to pull back at any second.
He slowly turned around to face Sammantha. He had a smile on his face with tears trickling down his cheeks. His eyes red, making him look more handsome than before.
Everyone slightly hushed down, staring at him and what he'd do next.
"This is your fault."
The bang echoed through the the cafeteria with screams and a thump.


He fluttered his eyes opened before closing them again. Open, close. He managed to flutter them open and stay open, his vision blurry and noises a mumble.
A silhouette was the only thing he could see. A mans silhouette. He batted his eyes and his vision became clear. The man was a brown rat, smiling down at him as he cradled him in his arms.
"My sons, come meet your brother." He was slightly lowered and three tiny heads popped into his field of vision. He looked at everyone of them, staring as their eyes examined his whole body. He smiled and giggled.
Reaching up he grabbed the whiskers of the day before slightly pulling. The rat quickly but gently removed his grip on his throbbing whiskers.
He set him down on his feet to see if he could stand. The rat kneeled down as he placed him on his feet and held his hands. He let go and smiled when he came back down on his butt.
The leaf green turtle smiled and held his hand out, his cerulean blue eyes sparkling and shining with protection, hope, and that one thing he hungers for.

Its over!!!! YAY! How did you like it? Should I do a sequel or not? If you think I should comment. I really wanna know what you guys thought about the story. I had fun writing it. :)
Till then I will start another story, not the sequel cuz I don't know if I should or not, but a different story altogether.
Till then, thank you for reading 'Chained to life'.

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