The Prelude to a Calamity

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"Are we there yet?" Amethyst groaned as ze kicked at the car seat.

"Three more minutes." She mumbled back.

The one with purple streaks folded hir arms and exaggerated a sigh."Ugh, I wish his house wasn't so far away. We've been on the road for hours."

"Four days ago, you said you wanted to go there." Hir girlfriend quips.

Amethyst scratched hir nape. "I'm kinda regretting it now, but I still want you to be more social. I don't want you to be alone if something bad happens to me."

"Anywho..." Ze clasp hir hands together and cheered. "Are you excited to meet all these people?"

Prasiddhi furled her brows. "Absolutely not."

Ze ignored Prasiddhi's negativity and pressed hir face against the window. Hir eyes lit up as ze detected the grand manor to the right of the automobile. "Prasiddhi, Prasiddhi, look, look!"

Her hands turned the wheel around, causing the car to swerve right. It drove straight ahead to the crowd of different machines parked outside of the mansion. Slowly, it revolved and walked neat the edge of the sidewalk illuminated by the street lamp. The lamp was spontaneously flickering on and off until it completely went out. The two of them push open the car doors and stepped closer to the lamp.

Amethyst kicked the pole and commented. "It's broken. Uhm, you have a flashlight on you, right?"

"No, I did not think we would need one. It's only a party." The other in black directed their gaze to the lights emitting from the building. "I think we will be alright. The lights from there can guide us. We won't be in the dark for long. It's only a two minute walk."

"Okay..." Her beloved gripped her hand tightly and leaned closer.

Together, they sauntered along the smooth, beige pavement that would lead to Jean-Claude's home. On the way, they encountered a raccoon rummaging through one of his neighbor's garbage cans. Amethyst was about to hand them one of the white chocolates with strawberry filling that they brought with hir, but Prasiddhi placed her arm in front of hir to stop hir.

"Chocolate is very bad for raccoons." She whispered steadily so Amethyst would cognize.

Prasiddhi forcefully dragged hir away from the animal and stumbled upon the door, which Jean-Claude had decorated with blue glitter and a single, miniture baguette sticker. Her hand wrapped around the door knocker and lifted it before letting it go. The door knocker slammed against the wood, producing a moderately loud sound. After a minute passed, no one had came to let them enter, so Prasiddhi repeated this process again. This time, Jean-Claude arrived at the doorstep and ushered them inside.

"Hey, how's it going?" Amethyst eagerly shook his hand with a smile.

Jean-Claude frowned. "I'd like to say that I'm doing well, but no, I don't feel too good."

Hir stare averted to the dark circles under his eyes. "Staying up late again? Seriously, you should get some more rest."

"I'm trying to, but I also need to manage my company. You know, staff, fiscal health, daily operations, sales and marketing, customer service... C'est fatiguant." He rambled. "Anyway, how are you two doing?"



The one in the beige jacket added. "Oh, Marley's hosting a game of poker. Maybe you'd like to join. And if you're hungry, I have some snacks on the coffee table. It's right in the middle of the living room, so it shouldn't be too hard to spot. I was going to leave them in the basement, but..."

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