Your Vows You've Broken

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"Hey, wakey wakey." Prasiddhi's eyelids fluttered. A blurry figure was hovering over her. After her vision sharpened, she witnessed a girl with long, raven hair and a horrendously tacky red and green t-shirt. She almost looked heavenly because of the light emitting from the window.

Prasiddhi first wiped the trail of saliva on her cheek before she mumbled. "Marley? What happened to that suit you were wearing earlier?"

"Oh, that thing. It got dirty. I would put it in the wash, but Jean-Claude's too scared to open the door to the basement." She leaned in until she was directly next to Prasiddhi's ear. "Bee problem..."

"Ack! Don't say that right next to my ear!" Prasiddhi shrieked, blocking her ear with her hand.

Marley latched onto her other arm and dragged her out of the bedroom. "Anyway, you're going downstairs. Thiago's gathering everyone to the living room, and you better hurry cause he's getting real impatient."

"Alright, alright, I'll head downstairs." Prasiddhi brushed Marley aside by nudging her with her elbow.

She twisted the doorknob with her hand and parted ways with the woman. Despite the fact that Thiago desired for everyone to be in the living room, Marley lingered in the bedroom upstairs. Being half asleep, she leaned toward the railing whilst trudging down the wooden steps. Each heavy step made a creak that eerily echoed throughout the home, alerting the guests in the area nearby.

The man who requested everyone's presence shot a withering glare toward her, making the hairs on Prasiddhi's skin rise. In a threatening tone, he spat. "You're late."

"Can you blame her? You never even mentioned that we were supposed to meet in the morning to the other groups." Alab retorted.

"Silence, you mildly greasy peasant." Thiago averted his gaze to the other. However, they were unfazed, as if they were accustomed to his discourteous behavior.

Nikolai slouched against the couch's cushions and drawled. "Can't we just get to the thing you wanted to say? We've been waiting forever."

"Yes, now that's everyone's here, we can begin the discussion. It's clear that everyone here has some sort of flaw that they need to improve on. An example would be that Rosalie and Nikolai are constantly at each other's throats, which will certainly delay our investigations." Thiago announced.

The one in the buttermilk sweater muttered under their breath. "Another example is that you're an egotistical asshole."

"Excuse me?" He wrinkled his nose.

Alab chuckled. "Nothing."

Thiago stabbed a finger at them, his face slowing turning red. "No, if you have something to say, then spit it out-"

"SHUT UP!" Quinn slammed both hands onto the table, shaking the floors of the building. "Don't you dare start a petty argument! And you said that Rosalie and Nikolai were the problem! I don't care what the hell your beef is. Just toss it aside for now so we can focus on the problem here! My best friend just died yesterday, and I want to find that damned murderer as soon as possible!"

The two lowered their heads. Thiago mumbled. "My apologies..."

Rosalie interuppted the moment by raising a sheet of paper to the crowd's eyes. "I have something to present. As much as I don't want to point fingers, I wrote down a couple of people I thought were suspicious."

"I can't deal with this." Alex groaned as he hid his face with his arms. "This is murder. If we vote out people, they die... We killed her! We killed Odette!"

"C'mon, we don't know that. Odette just vanished. We can't be sure that she's actually dead." Thomas acknowledged.

"So you're completely unfazed by this whole situation? Are you not scared by the fact that many of us could die?" Rosalie raised a brow, her mouth forming a frown. "I find that suspicious. You know, you are quite inconspicuous. I wouldn't be surprised if you were the one who slashed Melodie's head off yesterday."

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