Dani and Simon

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(This one is for thesidemen! Hope you enjoy!)

Dani's POV:

I slammed the bedroom door on my way out, "YOU KNOW WHAT, FUCK YOU SIMON! IM DONE PUTTING UP WITH YOUR SHIT FOR THE SAKE OF EVERYBODY ELSE! IM OUT!" I yell angrily as I storm downstairs and out of the boys house. Simon and I had got along at one point, even so much as I would have considered him a friend, and then for some reason he changed. He started being a dick to me and I just kind of have up on our friendship. So for the past week Simon and I had almost constantly been arguing whenever I'm at their house. And I'm done. I'm tired of it. I start heading in the direction on my flat, ready to pick up a bag of my things and leave for a while. Get away from Simon and the others. I'd not even made it half way down the road when I heard footsteps running towards me. Not wanting to deal with Simon right now I make a run for it. I vaguely hear my name being called behind me but I don't stop running. I just need a break.

*2 weeks later*

I'd just got home from going to stay with my parents for a few weeks. The flat was just how I'd left it thankfully. By now I'm hoping that the boys had given up on coming round to my flat to see me. I switch my phone back on after having it turned off for almost 2 weeks to see tons of messages and missed calls, all of which are from the boys. To my surprise the person that has tried to contact me the most is also the reason for my leaving in the first place. I quickly go on twitter to see that my notifications are flooded with "come home." Tweets from the boys. There are also a lot of people questioning if I'm dead. So I decide to tweet that I am very much alive and well before switching my phone off again. About half an hour later there is a knock at my door. I reluctantly pull myself away from my computer to go and answer it. When I open the door I'm surprised to see Simon stood there. I'm about to close the door in his face when his arm reaches out to stop me. "Please wait! Hear me out, let me explain!" He pleads. The desperate look in his eyes is what stops me from closing the door on him. I sigh and nod my head in ascent, telling him to go on but make it quick. "I'm sorry. I never meant to upset you. I was just struggling with something at the time and I took it out on you and I apologise. Please come back, the guys all miss you." Simon says honestly. "What the hell could you have possibly been dealing with that made you act like a dick to me?!" I frown. "I... I had a revelation. About how I feel about someone. It kind of terrified me I'm not going to lie." Simon flinches. I just sigh and shake my head, fully prepared to slam this door in his face. "IT WAS YOU!" He yells. I freeze. I can hear the desperate edge to his voice and for a second I don't believe him. "I like you! I realised I liked you, as more than a friend, and it terrified the absolute crap out of me because I've never had such strong feelings for a person before. I didn't know what to do or how to act. It's not an excuse, I know it's not, but please try to understand. And please, PLEASE, don't take my mistake out on the boys. They miss you like crazy. None of them have been the same since you left." Simons voice is pleading and hopeful. "Fine. I'm not saying I forgive you, you were very mean to me. You were incredibly stupid and went about it all the wrong way, but I'm willing to try again. Start from the beginning." I inform him. A huge grin spreads on his face and he nods his head enthusiastically. "That's great! Thank you, I'll take it, and I won't screw up this time I promise!" He sounds like he just heard that he's won the lottery or something, he literally sounds so happy right now. I just give him a half smile. "Now please leave and give me time to think and process everything." I chuckle. Simon nods his head before leaving me to my jumbled up confused thoughts.

*3 months later*

Simon and I were friends now. He'd been making a huge effort to make it up to me and I appreciated it. We were on rocky uncertain ground at first but I quickly realised that he was serious when he said he make it up to me. So rather than being difficult, I let him, I allowed him to apologise and grovel and I accepted it. And now were back to the way we were before all of this. And to tell you the truth, I'd missed it.

*1 year later*

Simon had definitely made up for his previous mistakes. He'd done everything in his power to please me and I'd enjoyed every second of it, I'd basically had a servant for a few months. About 2 months ago Simon had asked me out on a date and I'd said yes. I mean yes he'd been a jerk to me in the past, but he'd more than made up for it and I wasn't going to let one silly little slip up on his part, determine his future. We'd been on a few dates so far and they've all gone really well. I like Simon and he likes me. He's currently at my house for a movie night and we are snuggled up on the sofa under a blanket. I can feel the weight of his gaze on me so I turn away from the screen to look at him. When he realises I've caught him staring he smiles sheepishly before leaning over to plant a quick gently kiss to my lips. I just smile and quickly kiss him back before turning my attention back to the movie that's playing on the screen.

(Authors notes: so this one is for thesidemen, hope you like it Dani! If you want anything changing just let me know. :) and yeah! C'ya!)

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