Meeting Micheal [Technoblade,Tommy and Tubbo]

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Tubbo POV

"Ranbooooo we need more bees" I whined looking up at the tall enderman hybrid.

"Yes yes, of course you do. We need to find someone to babysit Micheal though." Ranboo said, pulling up the server chart. "Hmm.... you know maybe we could ask Technoblade. He is a piglin hybrid after all."

I was only half listening. "Okay message him and lets go. Its supposed to rain in a couple hours and bees don't go out in the rain."

Ranboo laughed. "Okay you impatient goat."

<Ranboo> Can you come to our house? Tubbo and I need a favor.

<Technoblade> Ok, give me a minute to get there

Ranboo and I sat outside. I was a little nervous, but a couple death threats and nothing bad should happen. I drummed my fingers against Ranboos knee."God what taking him so long?"

"Absolutely nothing" a monotone voice said from behind. I let a out a shriek, and Technoblade started laughing. "What a nerd. Could never be me."

"Anyways" Ranboo quickly stepped in. "We need you to watch Micheal, our zombie piglin son. If we see he was hurt, we will hunt you down and kill you".

"I will nuke your house" I piped in. Ranboo nodded.

"Anyways thank you and have a good day!!" And we both ran to the water tunnel and speed away.

Technoblade POV

Bruh. Those two just left me here, to take care of a child?!? What was I, a bloodybaby sitter? No! I'm the orphan murderer, not a orphan caretaker. I let out a quick sigh and stepped into their house, going up the ladder that supposedly went into the piglins room. He opened the trap door, and there he was, the one and only michael standing in the room, looking at him with a curious face.

"Uh hello?"

"Hello!! Are you Technoblade? My Papa told me all about you!"

I nearly fell down the ladder in surprise. It had been a long while since someone had spoken to me in piglin. I stepped out of the hole and closed the trap door back down. Micheal was still staring at him, looking for a response.

"Yes i am the Technoblade"

"Do you really have a million wither skulls? And polar bears? And a piece of bedrock?"

I stiffend. A, this kid had a million questions. B, Ranboo really told him a lot about me. I let out a breath. This was gonna be a long afternoon.

Tommyinnit POV

I was walking down the prime path when i had an idea. Why not go visit Tubbo? If he was available. He's never available any more with that stupid best friend stealer called Ranboo. I neared the tunnel to snow chester, deliberately trying not to look at the prison. I sped through the tunnel, before finally arriving in Snow chester. Welp, he goes nothing. I knocked. No response. I opened the door, peering inside. "Tubbo?" Maybe he's upstairs.  I went up the ladder and, to my suprise, didn't find Ranboo or Tubbo, but a bored out of his mind Technoblade. When I creaked open the trapdoor, Technoblade looked at him, and I swore I got a glimpse of relief in his eyes. 

"Oh thank the blood god your here Tommy. You stay here, im out." Before I knew what was happening, Techno was out of the room and I was left with a curious piglin.

"Hey big man"

The piglin, Micheal, just oinked at me. "So what do you like to do?"

He went over to his toys, some little dino toys and a toy car. He place the green dino in my hand, making a motion to play. While playing, I was thInking what you do with children. A Idea formed in my head.

"Hey Micheal." The piglin turned to look at him. "Can you say Fuck"?

Tubbo POV

Ranboo and I arrived back at the house, making a quick detour to the bee house. "Here you go little bees, you will be happy in here," I mummered to the little fluff balls. 

" I dont get how your so good at communicating with them" Ranboo said as we walked back to the house. 

"I just am. They love me, I love them."

"Ok, but lets just hope Techno didn't murder our son."

"He better have not" I said darkly. "But if he did a nuke would be lovely in the tundra plains he lives in".

"Remind me never to get on your bad side Tubbo" 

We laughed as approached the house. I ran inside, quickly hoisting myself up the ladder, Ranboo close behind me. 

"Hey tech- Tommy?"

Tommy let out a shallow laugh."Hey Big T."

I was confused. "Why are you in here? I thought Technoblade was supposed to be babysitting  Micheal?"

"About that,I came to your house to see if we wanted to do something, and I found Techno instead. He left as soon as I came."Tommy said, shrugging. 

Ranboo came up. "Is Micheal alright?" He noticed Tommy. "Oh, hey Tommy."

"Hey" Tommy said barely looking up from Tubbo. "Yes, he's okay."

The little piglin ran up from behind Tommy. "Dad, Papa!"

"Hey Michael. Was Tommy good?"

"Yes, he was really fun!"

I looked back at Tommy. "Looks like you will be safe Tommy".

"I heard him as well you know" Tommy said in a seemingly annoyed voice. 

"Oh I didn't know you spoke piglin!"

"Yeah this big man and a helpful translating book helped". Tommy stood up. "Anyways I have to go."

"Yeah okay Tommy. Thank you for looking after him."

"Oh dont worry about it. It was pretty fun." 

We watched Tommy walk back over to the side of the room.


We all turned around and saw Michael looking at them with proud eyes. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck"!!

We looked back at Tommy who was stifling a laugh. He gave up and started laughing his head off.  I sighed. Never get Tommy to come near Michael again.


Hallo, RIme here!

Sorry for not posting a lot, i'm not a huge writer. I have a ton of school and stuff and no motivation. But hope you enjoyed this lil Micheal moment :]

Have a good day/night/noon!!

Drink water and eat some food!!

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you dont have to if you really dont though-

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