Another Victim to the Vines

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TW: Voices, Glitch text, fighting, grammar and spelling errors 

Bad Boy Halo sat near a crimson egg, his demon- like tail occasionally swinging into it as he sat thinking. Its been awhile since the egg had a meal. It should be easy enough getting someone in here, but who was the question. Bad looked at the egg. " Any ideas?"

"Kill the boy. Tommy must die." 

Bad thought about it. Tommy was a good person to feed and control, but he was immune. Maybe if he could break him down....

Bad stood up with a grin. He had the perfect person in mind. "Im going to go kill ℸ ̣ ⚍ʖʖ𝙹!". 

He quickly typed out a plan to AntFrost. 

A/N : When the chat is italicized, its a whisper (you know like the /msg or /tell)

<BadBoyHalo> Has ℸ ̣ ⚍ʖʖ𝙹 been to the egg yet?

<AntFrost> no i don't think so

<BadBoyHalo> Perfect, come to the spider spawner, ill tell you my plan there

Badboyhalo left the egg room, walking up the stair to the spawner. He sat on the enchantment table occasionally flicking his tail back and forth. A moment later Antfrost jumped down the tube, landing in the water in front of him with a splash. "So what did you need Bad?" He asked, shaking the water droplets off.

"Well, its been awhile since we took someone down here... and we still need to either kill Tommy or bring him on our side."

Antfrost nodded."Go on"

Badboyhalo grinned. "What about we break him? Take his very best friend and turn him against Tommy. Then we might have a chance on manipulating him"

Ant thought, his eyes looking at the ceiling with a look of thoughtfulness. Then he looked back at Bad. 


Tubbo POV

Tommy and I were at his house. He was farming carrots, while i was trying to fix his house without him knowing. I looked out the house at Purples UFO with all the weird vines on it. "Hey Tommy, do you know what the deal with those vines are?"

Tommy stopped harvesting his carrots and turned to look at me. "Yeah. Why?"

"Oh there just everywhere. Honestly they look ugly."

Tommy let out his famous laugh. "They definitely are ugly as shit. Well if you really want to know, they come from this weird-ass egg that BadBoyHalo and Antfrost are obsessed with."

"Oh alright" I turned back to the house and helped Tommy finish replanting. We walked back outside looking out across the prime path. "Hey, is that Bad and Ant?"

I heard Tommy let out a curse under his breath. The creatures approached, their tridents glinting in the warm sunlight. 

"Hey Bad and Ant." I said walking about towards them with a smile on my face. "How are you?"

"Oh we are good" Bad replied, smiling. "We want to show you something!"

Tommy stepped in. "Is it by chance, the egg?"

Bad had a brief look of surprise on his face before smiling again. "Hi Tommy! And yes, it is the egg. I assume you have heard about it by now?"

Tommy scowled. I ignored him. "No I haven't! What even is it?"

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