~I Hate You! I Love You Too~

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Sakusa was the first one walking out the door with a smirk, he went downstairs and sees Komori and Suna staring at him with a disgusted look.

"Ya'll loud as fuck" Suna said with a annoyed voice. "You couldn't help it huh" said Komori who was grining at him, Sakusa just rolled his eyes and walked past the two making his way to the living room. Komori sighed and went upstairs to check on Atsumu, "Aye! Where are you going?" Suna said. "I'm gonna go check on Atsumu if he okay dUh-" Komori said and started walking to the room where Atsumu was at

"Tch- ya'll are to lame~" Suna walked off to the living room where Sakusa was at, he then sat across where Sakusa was at reading his book. Suna crumbled a piece of paper that was on the table and threw it at Sakusa face, "What the fuck?!" Sakusa said glaring at Suna who was laughing his ass off. "Chill dude, Anyways did you have fun~?" Suna said placing his hand on his lap and the other around his neck giving Sakusa a dumb smirk.

"That's none of your fucking concern now is it" Sakusa threw the book at Suna face making his nose bleed. "Why you motherfu-" Before Suna could finish his sentence both of them heard a scream that came up from upstairs. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH?!?!?" They both quickly ran upstairs to the room and Sakusa opened the door. "What the fuck is goi-" Sakusa went silent and Suna took a picture.

Komori was on top of the table with a broom trying to smack the shit out of the spider. Atsumu was just standing there with a face palm, Sakusa was pissed off cause he thought someone died he went closer to the spider staring down at it. "SAKUSA! DONT GO NEAR IT!!!" Komori was crying and whining like a lil shit, Suna was recording this shit cause he thinks it's funny as hell

Sakusa was about to stomp on it but Atsumu stopped him by putting his foot under his, Sakusa looked up at Atsumu was stone cold glaring at him which made Sakusa flinch a little. "You cant kill it you bitch" Atsumu said picking up the spider and opening the window placing the spider outside. Atsumu then closed the window and stared back at the others "Anyways who wants pizza!" Atsumu said skipping outside the room.

The other boys were staring at each shocked and didn't know what to say so instead they all went downstairs where Atsumu was at waiting for them, Sakusa tried to hug Atsumu from behind but Atsumu kicked his bAlLs making Sakusa fall to the ground groaning in pain. "Fuck..-" Sakusa said groaning. "BAHAHAHA - GET REKT BITCH" Suna said rolling on the ground laughing his ass off once again.

"Damn Atsumu you savage lil fucker~" Komori put his arm around Atsumu smiling at him and walked to the kitchen to get something to eat. Suna got up from the ground and stared at Sakusa who was laying on the floor not saying a thing. "he really does hate you huh?" Suna walked off to the kitchen where Atsumu and Komori is leaving Sakusa in the living room. "Ugh Go fuck yourself suna.."


{Atsumu POV}

Me, Suna, and Komori were talking in the kitchen and Sakusa came in, I looked away from him and didn't say anything to him instead he sat down beside me and drinked the wine that was left for him. I felt my face heat up cause Sakusa hand was on my thigh under the table without Suna and Komori seeing. "Hey you okay Atsumu?" Suna said taking a sip outta of his wine, I nodded softly. I can tell Sakusa was smirking behind his mask ugh this moron really wants me to beat the living shit of him huh?? When I was spacing out Sakusa pressed on my thigh making me whimp a little "Ah!" Komori stared at me confused he was worried "You okay..Tsumu??" I nodded again, I really wanted to slapthe shit out of Sakusa but I was to scared too slap him. Suna looked down on his phone shocked and dragged komori out of the kitchen, "SAKUSA ME AND KOMORI NEEDS TO GO!!" Suna yelled while dragging Komori with him. "Alright-" I got up from my seat about to leave the kitchen but I got pulled by the waist making me sitting on Sakusa lap my face heated up more. "L-leave me alone!" Sakusa smirked and licked my neck making me moan a little "Ah~ you asshole!" Sakusa chuckled and buried his head in my neck, I hate this man but loved him at the same time.

"I hate you!" I said in a annoyed voice.

"I love you too~" Sakusa kissed my neck but who cares I'll love this man without him evening knowing I wish we can stay like this all day...Maybe.


This was short but it was worth it-

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